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Corporal Moob

Retired Chief
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Corporal Moob last won the day on March 25 2020

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About Corporal Moob

Legacy VIP
APD Officer
  • Birthday 12/18/1995

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    Northern Ireland Cunty Derry
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  1. Please dear Lord get rid of this ''Lethal on first wave'' And the jumping over the walls. How much of a plate do the cops want it on.

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    2. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob

      The fed is meant to be difficult for cops. and er D3V1L, Those Barricades right at the entrances are nothing special, And I have no idea why Virus plays up there. But that's not the same. 

      And No, For the Longest of time APD did not jump any wall for any reason (except the small sandbags by the gates), any time they did someone was pulled to the side and was warned of exploiting, what's the point in having entrances/gates if they're not used whenever you can basically come in at any angle over the walls.


      And lethals on the first wave, don't even get me started.. Twice yesterday, I seen 2 feds, 1 started with 7 people against 7 cops, and our fed (First wave there was 7 of us) versus 6 cops.

      Both times cops decide to lethal straight away.. there's far too much room to abuse it. for example, there's 12 [MC] on, 7 decide to do a fed, the others are doing a run or something unrelated, there are 7 cops, the cops pull up on first wave one dies to an [MC] member, their response ''OMG ALL MC R HERE LETHUL LODED'' 

      Just basically gives cops about 10 waves of straight lethals. if you can't win it after that. There's something wrong.

    3. Jorbis


      The fed is supposed to be difficult for civs, as you are breaking into an area that houses a huge quantity of money. However it should still be fun for civs/cops and fair for both sides.

      Jumping on small h-barriers then to larger ones has always been allowed, however not many took advantage of the tactic until this point. The tactic was mentioned to me and another sr. APD member and was given the go ahead on our side. Same response from olympus staff. All the towers along the outer perimeter have an opening in the wall below them where officers can get in from the higher h-barrier. It's not too difficult to defend these openings if your defence positions are slightly altered to cover 2 areas. Keep in mind that with every change, this one is still in its "trail period" if you will. Meaning that it can be easily changed if the imbalance is too great. Try your best to adapt to the change and we'll see if things start to work out.

      When 7 or less cops are online Corporals and higher receive authorization to lethal first wave in jail breaks and fed robberies. However cops should be watching very closely to find out how many rebels are participating in the fed rob/jail break. If the situation is manageable then use tazers, if it's not use lethals. This is the same principle with authorization to lethal when outnumbered/3rd wave. The fed robs I've experienced when there's 7 or less officer online have almost all required the use of lethal force. Including the fed rob that you're referring to where you went up against cloak, lost, nick, me and 1-2 other officers. 


    4. Corporal Moob
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