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Everything posted by Coconut

  1. Coconut

    $10 Mil in 5 minutes

    Can’t join
  2. It does not worth 10mil less then that bud
  3. Happy Birthday you sexy devil @ Ruan  Happy Birthday GIF

  4. Lol this is great, I fucking died laughing
  5. @ Camper I need that money buddy dont you win this XD
  6. Happy Birthday Bro!!

     Y'all wanna party like a Super Saiyan? - GIF on Imgur

  7. Happy Birthday @ Slumberjack  You handsome devil you!! 🥳 🎂 


  8. 500K
  9. Lies, You horny dog!!!
  10. Update: This has been sold - Thank everyone for the offer
  11. Selling my AT Off road, Just message me for offers and if i see it good then we can move forward to the next steps.
  12. I might accidentally shoot you tonight
  13. Lol what a meme @Lime you going to trip this guy up lol he actually going to get the gun.
  14. I'm with you on this subject it crazy really.
  15. Sad part you have to be a donor to get the gear
  16. So again sorry that this has happen to you but there is always reason why a prospect got kick out of the gang. For your friend when a senior pulled that member in for any complaint that he want to give I don't think any of my senior would be toxic they have to evaluate the situation and see both side of the story before moving forward. No hard feeling it just a game and as @Secret Agent and I we just want to chill and hang with the gang memes with cop etc. But again best wishes on your future endeavors.
  17. Coconut

    Selling ENVG2

    1Mil LMK
  18. Donation make a coconut shirt for me lol
  19. lol good thing we have 3 designer in our gang XD
  20. @Zahzi Just a heads up the spar GL is not a taser it a lethal. https://gyazo.com/897823ae83eed5708539412ee7ca8ceb
  21. well yeah light going to make everything a shit show and people be blasting that siren. But cant lie this has been fun. never expect that i got to second page.
  22. @Lime @Secret Agent @GluxDesigns @Shades @Slumberjack I think vigi should have light and siren.
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