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GhostFace last won the day on April 14 2019

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About GhostFace

APD Officer
Olympus Plus
  • Birthday 01/26/1995

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  1. Went to a gas station at 3:00 last night came home ate than went to take a shower before i went to bed. Got out of the shower to find out that door was stuck. everyone was sleeping and ive been stuck in the bathroom in nothing bout a towel for a good 45 mins. took the door hinges and door knob off and the fucking thing still wouldn't open. So i had to wait for someone to wake up and they're laughing. and they had to kick the door down. needless to say i didnt get out till 550... never thought id be locked in a bathroom

    1. Ryan


      Tell me why only you can get stuck in your own bathroom :D

    2. Orgondo


      No teeth and now no clothes, struggles.

    3. warpoints


      13 hours ago, Matt The Savage said:

      that's when you scream, THIS IS SPARTA!!! and spartan kick that bitch down

      nah he would prob scream this is sparta and then someone would wake up tell him to shut the fuck up

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