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Everything posted by bioshock12391

  1. why not take away the timer, multiple bets at once, i believe we should just get onto us losing our money faster rather than having us wait to lose our money, #putusoutofourmisery
  2. gg land out of the vehicle or be titained by RIP
  3. once you do it show us, cuz I know damn well you aint gettin 50m
  4. birb you should buy as much shit as you can wit all dat money
  5. you gotta do at least a 300m bet with @ChillX, oh wait
  6. idk man looks kinda sketch
  7. I have a dp23 house for 18m on s2
  8. i got a 3 crater in dp23 ill sell for 18m, its got 1500 storage i think
  9. ok you do that
  10. ok there bud, im sure you did
  11. this has got to be the funniest post ive ever seen, damn, its like 5 hours after his death and you're already amking fun of it damn, some fucked up people
  12. wow u funny...
  13. tbh if the cops knew about the where abouts of the shed and whose shed it was, it was technically meta gaming, but then again it was your fault for going afk inside the shed with a bounty. Search Warrants 1. Search warrants allow Sergeants+ to enter the premises to capture suspects and/or contraband. The raid must be announced and must be exercised within 45 minutes of the situation being deemed clear. 2. Search warrants can only be executed 5 minutes after notifying the owner or keyholder of the property, unless the suspect is in custody. 3. House/gang shed searches are authorized when: 1. An APD member has a form of probable cause (bounty, illegal weapon, etc.) and witnesses a civilian interacting with, shooting out of, or taking refuge in a house/gang shed in any form. The Sergeant+ has discretion on whether or not to conduct a search.
  14. yea but you shiver and there is always that one area where its freezing
  15. Y'all Like to be hot or cold
  16. na bro, you just slightly hang your feet out from under the covers and then bring them back in and then put them back out
  17. thanks for the zafir my guy
  18. So I was thinking that if we were to make a federal event under the aircraft carrier in the water so that cops could land on top of the aircraft carrier and jump down for quick and easy access to the fed event this could incorporate the aircraft carrier to make it more useful and also make it so that we have a water based federal event. The contents and name of the event could be anything but it was just an idea that popped into my head, maybe it could be full of items that have been seized the whole day this way if you lose something to cops seizing it you could have a chance at getting it back. I think that it would incorporate the new boat rebel and utilize boats a lot more. pls lmk what you think
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  19. dude just says, oh look i have 900 warpoints, hey dude lets see how many 9mm suppressors i can buy looool
  20. top tier pit @1:30
  21. thoughts and prayers to you @ivy on beating this addiction and only if I could somehow end mine as well, you may have a lot of money and have an addiction but at least your not sitting at 100k and have a betting addiction
  22. this is a really toxic forum post damn
  23. This would make houses way too op, you would be cancelling out the aspect of house for the apd and basically taking a lot of roleplay out of the apd when removing this ability.
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