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Mc Pooperson

Olympus Plus
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Everything posted by Mc Pooperson

  1. Happy birthday @ Nate !

    Can i get a transfer to charlie squad xoxo

    1. Nate


      talk to your LT!

  2. Wait... so can i just break rules on the APD now @ Grandma Gary  ?

    1. Grizzly


      You do anyway???

    2. Mc Pooperson

      Mc Pooperson

      really? thats new to me. plz make an IA then Rizzly.


    3. Abundant
  3. FPS has left the chat! Holy shit this is bad....
  4. Mc Pooperson


    DAm CUh Peace out homie
  5. Bounda over honkadonks for shure
  6. Why is scamming still allowed on the server. Wats the point of it? Its just bad for the community 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Farrel


      wanna buy some wps ?


    3. destruct


      Moderators/Admins had been told to stop mediating pretty much, they really started mediating stuff because at one point there was a limit on betting and to facilitate higher bets than the limit we allowed mediating those, somewhere along the line that got pushed to new lengths and staff started mediating everything, which is no bueno. It's altis life, make sure you trust your guy or be ready to potentially get fucked, OR prepare for yourself getting fucked and have your gang on standby or something, just don't blindly trust people.

    4. goooooon


      you can get scammed irl?? but fuck purepk fasho 

  7. WTF did i jusr read... Is this spelling classes ?
  8. @Jessy sell me youre armed huron and buy a ghawk
  9. Mc Pooperson


    500k for rpg rockets ?? and price for 6.5 ??
  10. you said gear will be spawned in wat do you mean by that @rapidaax
  11. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198203772432/
  12. Does it come whit insurance and the correct paper work ?
  13. one high five for the ghawk ?!
  14. hmu whit offers 2 crater looking in kavala APD HQ .
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