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This user is on vacation. Response time may be delayed. Vacation to: 10/04/24


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Everything posted by Masonn

  1. As of 30 minutes ago when you stepped down More time for you to suck at civ 6
  2. Congrats @ Rexo

    Thank fuck @ Winters  is gone  🙏

  3. @ Kapan @ chris @ Jake766 congrats if you guys could make general inquiry tickets containing the house ID of the house you would like the prize to be put into 🙂
  4. Type: Giveaway


    • 3 Prizes
    • 155 Participants

    Special Purpose Viper Suit only stackable with T2 vest and below
  5. I use these controls took a few days to get use to it but found it a ton easier than base controls
  6. You're just waffling here tbh Fuckwinters
  7. @ Mr.Waffles  probably the funniest thing I'm gonna see today https://clipchamp.com/watch/drxqU9WEYXp

    1. xsmitherz


      this guy deserved it for that reaction alone xD

    2. Ryan


      @ Mr.Waffles 10/10 reaction still laughing at it a day later

    3. Mr.Waffles


      thank you thank you much love

  8. @ WALT  

    literal chills everytime I see it...

  9. @ Mako  Got any plans for Halloween? Time to run back the O+ Invis backpacks? #NOTMYCM 🙂

  10. @ Weaz  with the pickaxe diff


    1. Weaz


      alcohol is amazing 🙂

  11. Gonna go ahead and just lock this as nothing productive will come from this and it's not really something what is up for debate or discussion as it's a pretty serious allegation to make against someone. Like others have already said if there is any actual evidence on the matter I'd advise making a "Staff Internal Affairs" report with any evidence relevant to it so we can deal with it in the proper way. As it stands it's just seems to be baseless accusations with the only piece of evidence being disproven.
  12. From quick look it seems like fallout from one of your gang mates moving the hacked cash to gang funds so someone on our side took the relevant amount out, you could submit a general inquiry if you're still concerned and we can take a look over things. Edit: Just did the ticket should be at the correct amount now
  13. I mean you only have to watch the video to see what happened here, Walt tp's over to help the guy as he just sent a staff dispatch asking for help (I was online doing my own thing at the time and actually tp'd over also but just in invis) Walt is then obviously talking to the other guys and about to take them on a plane ride for some fun during this I'd imagine he would of been muted in comms as TP comms are generally very aids so there would of been no communication between him and any of the tp kids at this time. to put the situation simply Gets staff message asking for help -> Mutes in discord tp's over to see what's going on Talks to some kids who were there and goes to play around with them -> most likely still muted in tp discord During this time I'd imagine Big john saw Walt over at the terminal so drove over there more than likely not realising Walt was even doing staff stuff as it's not like we publicly announce we're going to do staff stuff in discord. TL:DR 99% sure Walt didn't even realise this happened considering I was also there and had 0 clue Not to mention Walt teleported over to a blown up so it's not like he could have had any sort of idea that he was going to repull the Jet for Big john to try and steal.
  14. After asking for an epi 5+ times maybe 400 staff points which would of probably taken 3-4 months to get. inb4 you say somehow this is corrupt it's all logged what gets paid out etc.
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