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Everything posted by Masonn

  1. People just be scared of the Lawlers let's be real here.
  2. Who got globalled 4 months ago? Ved never even cheated on Olympus as far as i've been told. still using the same account. I personally messaged about JKE a few weeks ago and then after i was told by someone aslong they aren't on restrictions they can play. I don't really understand why they can't play. if their fine to play on the server why is gangwars different
  3. Nah think you're just lagging bro
  4. Chuck this rossco retard out and put buckie in ffs
  5. What's the point of support then lol all you guys would say is " yeah not really too sure should probably log a ticket for that" like if you go to support over rdm or whatever obviously you need a opinion to whether you think you have to comp or not like hello?
  6. What stupid cunt just deleted my hatchback with my loadout in

  7. It's happening bois

    1. vedalkenn


      moderator dripp?

    2. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      @Drippp can you confirm?? 👀

    3. Drippp


      @Mr GOAT this is drippps PR it is confirmed

  8. get fucked Asylum start talking when you have 49 players and not 43.
  9. Just support team? Make this nigga support team lead.
  10. Masonn


    o7 leader Drippp
  11. Wow thanks for looking into Walt's case so quick @Ryan Ty!

  12. The post does say hackers/scripters aren't included in this. I mean most of them will eventually get unbanned either way tho
  13. Freedom is soon.

    1. WALT


      Freedom never felt so good!

    2. Vcx


      I sense something going on here

  14. Omg happy birthday spedalken @vedalkenn

  15. Masonn


    Accepted What about this one?
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