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About Knox

  • Birthday 11/24/1995

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  • Arma 3 Player ID
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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. Blue 2016 Ford Fusion SE had for a few months and works wonders for all the traveling I do.
  2. o7
  3. Watched tons of hours of youtubers playing Arma 3 RP life and when I finally built my PC Arma 3 was the first game I bought!
  4. Hey good luck @Nex is the name power to you!
  5. Coming in with that morning clutch post
  6. I love you too @thedoc
  7. Agreed
  8. to complete my investigations for work or sit here in my phone commenting on this.
  9. @thedoc then may the posts be ever in your favor
  10. @thedoc you make a good point
  11. Are you @thedoc
  12. Literally have done this myself @thedoc go buy one last pack and after that no more. It is extremely hard to kick addiction but I have been 5 years without it. The first week was the hardest for me my now fiancé and I almost broke up because I became a complete asshole during that week. However, once I was done with that week it got so much easier and haven’t and it was helpful to have my women and friends make positive comments about me and my success of stopping and I have never looked back since!
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