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Dingle Pooper

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About Dingle Pooper

Olympus Plus
R&R Medic
  • Birthday 08/02/2002

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. I was a victim of her abuse of power and police brutality, But fr sad to see you step down.
  2. I don't need a giveaway to say FUCK THE APD bunch of body camping for no reason shitlords
  3. @ Grandma Gary Happy birthday you smug piece of shit.

  4. that's a lot of words for an innocent man hmm... he just reeks of guilt I can smell him from here.
  5. You jack-offs need to come to grips like a hand job
  6. You sustained one more year. Congrats! @ GracieGirl

  7. damn tammy selling off all his asset's, trying to become richest man in altis
  8. no fucking way... Dabest was a hilarious guy and always fun to play with, I don't know what to say... we lost a good one
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