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Everything posted by Skorch

  1. WTB - ALL of your Type 115 Tasers.  1m EACH

  2. weird nazi roleplayers
  3. conquest montages are equivalent to cqc montages

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. syndrome


      actual fucking moron 

    3. Skorch


      @ syndrome did that strike deep silly monkey?

    4. syndrome


      @ Skorch no your point is actually fucking retarded. "those montages are mega lame to watch in comparison to back in the day" like you enjoy watching 20 second one pieces of shooting someone in the back??

  4. auction house's listings don't differentiate between armed and unarmed vehicle types

    1. Mighty


      Looks like you gotta buy it and find out 🙂

    2. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      selling this armed huron for 5m bro cmon its legit i swear

    3. TheHeroNoob


      to quote mason he said "Yeah it's bugged atm they have to click on the actual item on the left hand side for it to come up"

  5. @ Kyle Lake
  6. I miss stream sniping BoomRoasted and Gunhand.

  7. oh god roleplayers
  8. make sure you initiate, retard
  9. APD is just a big gang ran by incels
  10. where is the gang wars vod

  11. Skorch


    bye retard!
  12. ya you tell em !!
  13. I think vigis should get buffed!

    1. Noahhh!


      Good luck with that boss.

  14. stand with hong kong

    1. Strikke


      Watch out there boy. China might ban Olympus

  15. huron + 5 mill
  16. Absolutely braindead vigi civ rep. It is easier to get a rebel to transfer you a QILIN which is significantly better. Also, a MK20c with no better advantage over the Spar-16, with NO additional bounty payout? What the fuck is the point of a tier 5? Nice, an Athira spawnpoint where no vigilantes possibly go?
  17. you sound like a fucking loser lmao
  18. Still looking to buy T5 or T4 vests

  19. I'll buy the T4, how much
  20. @Jelly Donut any tier 4 or tier 5 vests?
  21. Send me offers
  22. Buying T4/T5 vests

  23. @ThatNerdyGuy have u seen this man's signature
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