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Everything posted by Robinhood

  1. As previously stated, get better gang mates to kill people that are using 5.56.
  2. No different than an orca full of rebels dropping on you. You’re out of the fight either way in the situation. Get some better gang mates.
  3. wasnt rex the only cop on today that even has access to that gun? and he wasnt even using it?
  4. There is a reason cops are cops and vigis are vigis. Things are going to change but it just takes time. The role will slowly turn into players who are actually decent and arent just kids who rdm tase in kavala.
  5. oh hey look:
  6. interesting stuff
  7. we've been thinking about the idea of tasers not working but need to see what devs say. not sure if you can even do that.
  8. Hey guys! 

    Looking for suggestions for vigilantes in warzone (Don't say that Vigis should be banned from warzone its just not going to happen). Leave your suggestions here 


    1. Ryan


      Delete them 

    2. MAV


      Make vigi restrain hotkey Alt+F4

  9. Tier system will stay in place. People are going to break rules, it’s human nature. There’s no way to automate banning players that break the rules. Recording is the only way to keep people in check essentially.
  10. Well I mean... nvm
  11. Very successful meeting last week. need more ideas to push for the next one. we're all ears!
  12. who let these ppl in s2 play the game

    1. indian
    2. Robinhood


      5 hours ago, indian said:


      Just a bunch of ppl rdming and vdming more than usual.

  13. We’re cooking up something beautiful
  14. as of now according to deadpool no
  15. change is coming. like it or not.
  16. twas a pleasure <3
  17. I like the idea of a hunter but @sploding brings up a very important point. Unless the gods at hand would change the rules up where it’s somewhat like R&R hunters then maybe. Given that vigilantes are still civilians and not government entities like APD and R&R it wouldn’t necessarily be fair for other civilians.
  18. but u vigi
  19. for all you bing users out there.


  20. thinking that spar 16 should get bumped up to tier 4 and add a new gun for either tier 2 or 3 since its super easy to reach those arrests
  21. oh ryan, honey.
  22. Hey Gamers! @DeadPooL and @Doc have graciously chosen myself and two others to be a part of the Civilian Council representing the vigilante role. @ChubbyElf, @Tyrone, and I will be sitting in on council meetings suggesting new ideas to help the vigilante role prosper in Olympus. We understand the role needs some serious balancing and that's why we're here. We want to implement changes that will make everyone happy given the current hatred towards vigilantes (**cough @Ryan cough**). We are more than happy to answer any questions anyone may have and encourage a response from everyone as well giving us ideas to bring up during the next meeting. Please feel free to send any of us messages or reply to this thread with suggestions, criticisms, and general ideas you guys may have! Don't be afraid to speak up because we want to be the best representatives we can possibly be. - Robinhood
  23. head vigi here. sorry ya salty boi
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