Hey Gamers!
@DeadPooL and @Doc have graciously chosen myself and two others to be a part of the Civilian Council representing the vigilante role. @ChubbyElf, @Tyrone, and I will be sitting in on council meetings suggesting new ideas to help the vigilante role prosper in Olympus. We understand the role needs some serious balancing and that's why we're here. We want to implement changes that will make everyone happy given the current hatred towards vigilantes (**cough @Ryan cough**). We are more than happy to answer any questions anyone may have and encourage a response from everyone as well giving us ideas to bring up during the next meeting. Please feel free to send any of us messages or reply to this thread with suggestions, criticisms, and general ideas you guys may have! Don't be afraid to speak up because we want to be the best representatives we can possibly be.
- Robinhood