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Legacy VIP
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Everything posted by Vancey

  1. I think im back to play Arma RP again on this lovely server, been like 7-8 years since i been around i def used to be a squeaker kavala scat. Some of you might not know me but i used to go by Visions (i think), TheyCallMeJpeg, and Whitaker. Hopefully i see some familiar faces!
  2. Why would you tell on him hes just trying to get some young c**k
  3. Hey YYoutube my name was Jpeg now its Xan i love people and only female 13 and under


    1. Fat Clemenza
    2. Vancey


      You’re right I’m sorry daddy

  4. Cant wait to see what Eb gets
  5. https://gyazo.com/86cfdaaf1a2a4c5e796fdd35a953e63a
  6. honestly this is why i fucking left Olympus in the first place, "scats" going around in fucking vigi shit then the 2 gang members with full out rebel shit. like boi that aint scatting. i will be hosting a scat class tmo at 12pm EST on how to fuckking scat, fuck all of you that have to attend. MANDATORY

    1. Lucki


      You want to learn how to scat? Learn from Ollie: 


  7. In Before Shit went down i mean a player that donated a long time ago thats a VIP should deserve something not no little kid that just wants things handed to them (not saying you are but others) we all pay for the serve that donate i think the VIPs should be able to have somthing that stands out then the average joe. Look at it from the VIPs perspective. Its cool that you guys get stuff, but then again we payed 250 and would eventually not be able to stand out. I just think VIPs should have there own car skin because it just says to us Thanks for being with us(Olympus) for a long time and donated 250. If this made no sense dont worry im high. Btw fuck range finders lol pressing B then going back to your gun in a fire fight yea right. Guestimate that shit.
  8. i get y they did it so that the IIIiiIIiiIiiIiIii and IIiiiIIIiiIiiiiiIiiiIII and nnnnnmnmmnnmm and all that shit goes away but These names must be easily pronounced, use your common sense. Any names that do not fall within this rule will result in administrative punishment. REALLY?! the fuck thats the whole part of RP people have fucked up names.
  9. The reason is TBD is caause they are thinking what they can take away from the original donors, just please let the VIPs keep there car or make a new one for us Poseidon.
  10. G.O.A.T. Doesn't have the stamina' do be President. Take Guns from G.O.A.T. and his security, and let's see what happens.
  11. Hell,change begins with immediately repealing and replacing Posideoncare. It’s just been announced that the residents of Kavala are going to experience massive double-digit premium hikes. Real change also means restoring honesty to our government. As you know, the APD has reopened its criminal investigation into Grandma Gary. They are also conducting a second criminal investigation into Grandma Gary’s Pay-For-Play corruption at the State Department. It has been confirmed that the 690,069 emails they discovered include brand new emails not previously turned over to authorities, likely including even more classified information. However, the reports also show that the political leadership at the Kavala Police Department is trying as hard as they can to protect Grandma Gary. My Contract With The Altis Voter begins with a plan to end government corruption – and to take our country back from the special interests. At the core of my contract is my plan to bring back our jobs. If a company wants to fire their workers, leave Kavala, move to another country, and then ship their products back into Altis, we will make them pay a 35% tax. A Jpeg Administration will renegotiate NAFTA and, if we don’t get the deal we want, we will terminate NAFTA and get a much better deal for our workers. We will also immediately stop the job-killing Trans-Pacific Partnership. As part of our plan to bring back jobs, we are going to lower taxes on the people of Altis business from 35 percent to 15 percent. We will massively cut taxes for the middle class. We will also unleash Altis energy – including shale, oil, natural gas and clean coal. Our plan will end the EPA intrusion into your family farms and stop the double-taxation of family farms at death. We will cancel billions of dollars in global warming payments to the United Nations, and use that money to invest in Altis - including the roads, ports, bridges and waterways of Kavala. by an illegal immigrant, and then his body was set on fire. A Jpeg Administration will end this nightmare of violence. We will protect Altis lives. We will cancel all federal funding to Sanctuary Cities. We will stop illegal immigration, deport every last criminal alien, and dismantle every criminal gang and cartel threatening our citizens. When we win, you will finally have a government on YOUR side, fighting for YOUR community, and protecting YOUR family. We will also repeal the Posideon-G.O.A.T. defense sequester and rebuild our badly depleted military. We are going to have the biggest tax cut since Ace; eliminate every unnecessary job-killing regulation; cancel every illegal Posideon executive order; protect religious liberty; rebuild our military and take care of our Medics; provide school choice and put an end to common core; support the men and women of law enforcement; save the 2nd amendment; and appoint Officers to the Altis Police Deprtment who will uphold and defend the Constitution of the Altis. It is time to cut our ties with the failed politicians of the past. Grandma Gary is the candidate of yesterday. We are the movement of the future.
  12. Welp i dont want to but i salute you Moob I remember the stuff that happened in 2014 and i was really fun. Dont know what to say but i wouldnt have thought you would have left, farewell see you in 2 weeks on the server calling Cops Pigs and other words i shouldnt say on there server like old times. o7
  13. i remember this guy for some reason.
  14. 12
  15. I take offense to this i am triggered i play in first person please take this down or im going to have to take you down with my.... Blue Eyes White Dragon Go!
    1. SystemChips
    2. Trumper


      1 hour ago, SystemChips said:

      i dont get it

      Altis is based off an island located near Greece. The island is called "Lemnos". 

      He is showing Kavala actually isn't on the island, its located next to it. 

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      They couldn't go with the real names for legal reasons =P

  16. fuck all yall, 4.1Mil
  17. My school test computers don't block this. 

    1. CommanderSuki


      The answer to question number 5 is Tree Fiddy

    2. falcon
  18. I'm done HAHAHAHA
  19. No clue what happened, but dude it takes some to own up to your mistakes and apologize for them especially with people you don't even know IRL. Respect +1.
  20. You actually get money from that?
  21. ill sell my virginity for H1Z1
  22. I love this shit im going to make a series of this so if you wanna check it out it will be on my yt soooooN! https://gyazo.com/5283aab2069b20793bc2f8b85ecbd69f

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