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About Gorllami

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  1. Turn the ability to spawn in Kavala off for new players. Its better they spawn elsewhere with a better chance at getting off on the right foot, once they get a few hours play time they can get to Kavala upon respawn, that way they have some more knowledge of the game itself before entering a cluster fuck. I mean shit this would deter the random fucking rdmers that login for an hour to buy a rook and kill everyone in kavala. They won't even have the opportunity Auto Spawn them in like athira.
  2. Gorllami


    Anyone person that says yes to this
  3. To be fair, we had a high pop a couple months back cause everyone was locked in their homes for covid. I still think we have decent pop, both servers had on over 100 last night or close to
  4. I'd like to see the K/D ratio of Medics vs. Arma bushes

    1. maxg


      just don't look at my K/D against bushes......

    2. Skys


      i wanna know my k/d against power lines lol

    3. Venomm


      KD against getting armad on crates and domes at fed?

  5. left leg
  6. Rip the pink dream
  7. Its actually back, he has it up again, hes just been trying to fix everything/busy irl. If theres enough interest, he will open it 100%.
  8. Gorllami


    Thanks to providing video proof that you decline our war lmao. You use my gang post and don't even kill anyone in umbrella big derp. Big oof tage
  9. lmfaooo
  10. message me on discord we'll buy the AT
  11. i would be so tight if 5 dudes rolled up on me in safety vests lmfaoo
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