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Everything posted by Slav

  1. Pretty chill, simply because your 4chan style shitposts get people angry and it’s enjoyable to watch.
  2. I agree. Or at least make Arma 3 Altis life with mods where you can change the avatar and player model of certain people. Highly unrealistic to see some people playing slim characters when they need to be in the back of a dump truck to get around in real life. Quit destroying my immersion.
  3. Those fucking turtles never stood a chance. I love me some turtle hunting.
  4. Slav


    Trump is brain dead Hillary is a corrupted hag Biden is retarded American politics is a reality TV show.
  5. >House being raided by APD while I am inside

    >Ask to see their APD badges, they show them

    >I think they are fake, so I ask to see their guns, they show them.

    >I still don't let them in, they are scary and I don't trust them. Close the door and call 911 saying there are armed men at my door.

    >More police arrive and ask to see the ID of other police officers

    >They reach into their pocket to grab their ID and they get 4 warning shots to the chest


    R O L E P L A Y

  6. Give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach a man to fish and he feeds all of Altis forver. RIP legend, you will be missed.
  7. What about me? :c You can get up on those buildings without cheats. It's just abusing the jump mechanic with Arma 3's engine to fly up high and landing on the building.
  8. Give everyone an M5 Sandstorm. There is no reason why I shouldn't be allowed to blow up Kavala while being physically located at Sofia. https://armedassault.fandom.com/wiki/M5_Sandstorm
  9. Remove all guns and replace them with rooks and PDWs. Now everyone can be a rook banger.
  10. Lets also add quadbikes to cap as well to replace hatchbacks. Every quadbike comes with infinite turboboost.
  11. If we gotta start removing strategies lets also remove ifrits from cap simply because they are too popular. #StriderLivesMatter too.
  12. Bonus tips: Have an SDV and run over other divers for hogging the waterways (definitely not VDM, source: trust me) Stock your SDV with grenades. Bunch of enemies on the shoreline searching or waiting for you? Quickly rise out of the water, throw a grenade and submerge again, rinse and repeat changing your position each time. It's like a discount mortar strike.
  13. Slav


    Except you can also use multiple drones as one person. You could throw down a drone for all red zones and basically block off runs on the server. Doesn’t even really matter if people shoot it down because then you still know someone is there. Planes and helicopters should remain to be the scouting tool because it requires you to fly there. Actually wait, this would be a great vigilante tool. I changed my opinion, add this shit. No runs for anyone.
  14. The world can't handle such retardation.
  15. Here is an inspirational quote for you all.


    Can't ban me, video is not age restricted on youtube.


  16. Slav


    Take the server behind the shed and put it out of it’s misery. All seriousness, resets only work for servers that focus on roleplay. An current example of this would be anzus even though it is a modded server. A server reset in Olympus is a lot like resetting a KoTH server, makes no sense really.
  17. If a battleye ban wave occurs then 50% of the population is gone. Server is dead. Let’s be real, who plays arma 3 anymore?
  18. Tim hortons. Has some good sandwiches, coffee, and wraps.
  19. Slav


    Who knew that this community is toxic. Almost puts 4chan’s /b/ and /pol/ boards to shame. Almost. Least 4chan has a charm to it though.
  20. Slav


    The only ass he has seen is those of his Arma 3 character when he goes into third person.
  21. For real though, when are we going to have someone blatantly spin botting in Gang Wars?

    1. Panda :)

      Panda :)

      Get somone to vouch me into a cheat and I will do it 🚫 🧢

  22. Staff when:


    Im just joking. Battleye can’t detect a man spinning around one tapping people 20KM out with a rook.

  23. @CaloomClark @Mr GOAT
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