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Everything posted by Slav

  1. He said right side, thought that was lukie..
  2. Antonio has a nice voice. No homo. Lukie on top. Rarely seen someone use a combat roll, that’s how confident he was.
  3. Would be a KOS zone, so it would need to be in a more isolated location of the map. There is no RDM in a KOS zone.. It would involve numerous groups of players fighting over the objective, essentially making it a larger scale battle then having a vigi hunt you down. Wouldn't be players having their location shown, but rather the location the wanted admins and their group are at. Certainly there are flaws. But it's just an idea that could be expanded upon or just simply ignored. Just wanted to bring forth an idea.
  4. Bounty hunter: A staff member (or a group of staff/support members, etc) become highly wanted and the APD are unable to capture them and thus look towards the civilians of Altis, including rebels. A certain area would need to be designated unless you're able to use something like the pharmaceutical robbery truck where there is a GPS that reveals its location. The civilian would automatically get the funds delivered to their account once they kill one of the wanted members. I imagine the area will also be KOS, that way enemy gangs will fight over the right to kill said group. Might need some refining, but the basic concept is there.
  5. I was removed from the Noble discord after saying that this is @Noahhh! after failing a 60 man BW. #DefundNoah
  6. Jumping off a 6th story building has a higher chance of survival. With that knowledge, getting hit by a car.
  7. Can the Noble Charity Fund give me half of that 450m? Read that Noble gives out large quantities of cash to those who are in need of it on Altis in the newspaper.
  8. This already been said numerous times, but G502. Had mine since 2016 and it stills works like a charm. It's basically the Nokia 3310 of mice and has a lot of customization for a great price.
  9. What’s it like when two people stare at each other in 3rd person for 15 minutes waiting for the other to peek.


  10. What it is like when you're fighting the Noble zerg @Noahhh!


    1. Noahhh!


      You have been accepted for an interview. Join the Noble discord using this link "https://discordapp.com/invite/fWpqdJh". 

      Message me on Discord once you're in.

  11. The APD when there is a bank robbery.


  12. Funny thing is you think I’m pulling a meme on you. I actually played Arma 3 with a wii remote for a session.
  13. Imagine asking what platform (because PC is not a console) is better in an Arma 3 community. Say what you will, but we all know Nintendo is far superior. I play Arma 3 on a wii remote.
  14. Slav

    Get rep

    Just create alt accounts to spam likes in your comments
  15. I mean, perhaps. But they flew by each other earlier at 4:22 at which point both turned around after they saw the names. And that pull-up was a bit weird, I rarely see people pull that maneuver unless they are being shot at. They both knew each other was in the airspace at the time. The pull-up was rather weird, only valid reason for it (in my eyes) would be if he was getting shot at by the ground unit (which I can’t tell from the recording).
  16. Broke gambling addicts on top.. I’m going to be disappointed if no one makes Broke Gambling Addicts into a gang.
  17. This is the rest of the staff and developers after this update.
  18. Slav


    Are you talking about the casino? If so, just don’t take part in it. No one is forcing it. Are you talking about player vs player betting? Because if so then here you go: https://www.casino.com/ca/arcade/heads-or-tails/
  19. Slav


    Clearly enough to complain on the forums.
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