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Everything posted by Fedot

  2. Skeeter gets Called out!

  3. Somone should give me the Code to the Stats Panel so i can write the Bans manager and fininsh it

  4. EVERYBODY HIDE! Poseidon just woke up!

    1. Poseidon


      I'm always up, BETTER HIDE SUCKA

    2. Fedot



  5. ffs why did i click it
  6. News teams SHould be able to Have like Listen all powers to Snoop on APD Radio scanners

    1. QKSILVR73


      oh yeah that would be fun

  7. Time Played Civ 19995 Minutes Cop 15718 Minutes

    1. ToeKnee


      Civ36075 Minutes

      Cop30671 Minutes

    2. Muthinator


      You guys are some dedicated mofos!

    3. Fedot


      nah we just has no life

  8. I'm not even sure what im doing anymore

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Fedot


      having D3v1l withdrawls

    3. Thomas


      ...he said as he was having sex with a blowup doll

    4. Muthinator


      Blow up dolls are still a thing?

  9. why is you avatar a asshole bruh?
  10. OMG I'm disgusted with this man
  11. Do to Lack of TCHART. This is all my Opinion because that's what a forums is for Opinions. I hate MC as much as the next guy, im just looking at it from both sides
  12. Im about to break this down #WordToUMutha @FluffyTeddy MC Does what they must to RP. Yesterday i had a Fairly Good RP session with MC while being Butt Raped by MC. You think that Moob can Control 13+ Members all while he is also trying to RP with the APD, and if you cannot relate to that think of a mother with 13 children at a Grocery store shopping (That is how I Imagine moob). and Fluffy Moob also has this Philosophy would you rather MC take out there RAGING KILLING BONERS On new Civilians that aren't yet hard core Olympus players or APD That play Olympus like its a Religion? If you are asking them to Surrender ever time or even Surrender at all when the see the APD you are sadly mistaken. Does ISIS respect the the Government? No. Then why should Hardcore Slugs like MC follow APD. Also about the RP how are you going to control Every Player on the Server you will Eventually when you play more learn who yo can RP and who you can say Bugger to you and turn down your RP. For Example [MC] GafSki is the worst RPer in my Opinion But most of the APD Knows this so when he Immidalttly breaks RP and says he is Hades BFF and We are going to get banned ask him why He relates to the God of the Underworld and if he needs a Doctor because he sees Invisible Gods. Just because People have SHIT RP doesn't mean you can't have fun with it. For Poisdens sake its a Game! (Ehhh See What i did there Poisiden is GAWD). On a Final note and to wrap up Bye Teddy Because people will not change without proof or encouragement in fear of Almighty Ban Hammer @ToeKnee you of all people should know that APD Deputies are Deputies for a reason. That is also the Reason of why MXCs and Automatic Rifles are for Patrol Officers. It even States in the hand book that they are learning RP and RULES. And that Does not give anybody a Right to break RP or Bend Rules. (Not Saying that you did d/ Lack of Proof) I'm not saying that some Deputies have Horrible RP and Also will Instantly break RP and Or throw a Pissy Fit. But You know as much as i do that not everybody can RP the same, also that is what Ride alongs are for to weed out Bad Role Playing and or Shit Cops. if you have Proof of a Shit Cop Submit it you should know that and not make Accusations. QUOTE FROM APD HANDBOOK
  13. Just an FYI this is a GAME.

    1. iPopsicle


      There is no other life than Altis Life

    1. Moose


      Jimmies status=slightly windblown

    2. RogueMK


      loving the microsoft paint skills there lol

  14. EDIT: I DO NOT PROMOTE SEXISM OR SEXUAL HARASSMENT I'M JUST POINTING OUT THAT ITS NOT BECAUSE YOUR FEMALE WE ALL DEAL WITH THIS STUFF, I CAN GUARANTEE 99% of the PEOPLE READING THIS HAVE BEEN CALLED A NAME OR HARRASED ON THE INTERNET, THE REASON FOR THIS IS NOBODY KNOWS HOW SMALL YOUR BALLS ARE ON THE INTERNET Its Called Double standards I see you just yelling at people till they snap I Also take offence for the Title of this thread its not just Olympus its the Internet where people have the Biggest balls as they feel like; Where there is no IRL Reaction Only time something will effect you IRL is if you Listen to the shit people say OR 2. You forget your not on the internet and go up to a Large Male and call him a McF*gMuffin. @REPLY I'm Just gonna point out some things Please do not hate. Although you are new to the Olympus Servers people do not take kindly to people that threaten to submit a ticket Immediately after a Situation starts. An other point is you yourself used "Being a women" as an Excuse of bad Driving not more than 5 Days ago, so how are we supposed to know what you find "Harassing". Although Next time you feel as someone is either A) Threatening you or making you feel bad or Making any Insults to you or others Make a Ticket and Call 911 I'm sure Myself and other Officers can find a RP Charge to slap on, and we will be sure to make sure the Scene is secure if not we will drive him to the farthest nearest HQ WE SHOULD LOCK THREAD BECAUSE RIOTS BOUT' TO START This is as Serious as I can be I need to make Jokes in all my Posts but that aside I sorta see where this thread is coming from /THREAD
  15. Thanks I honestly don't think its just because they are Female it also may be because there play style
  16. Didn't you know being peaceful is a bannable offence! you must get naked and get a rook and run around yelling Alluh Achbar! either that or restart your computer
  17. HEY GURRRL The reason i mostly see with Shelby (No Offence/ Not Starting a war just what i've seen) is she will Perm Deny any Medic Services Depending on who you role with or the way RP The Reason why some people may yell at Lady although she is getting much better at this she has the Tendencies to Immediately break RP and or get revenge Kills. Just what i've seen don't hate me Madiwadi is OP we must nerf her
  18. I do agree his name Insults my small Genitals, Please change it! But regarding to the Thread I'm not here to start a war but some Females that play Olympus aren't the nicest people either. I'm not even sure if its there Gender calling someone a 'bitch' doesn't make them a sexist mongual although he should have no said it on medic duty. I call people DickMuffins all the time and I'm not making a thread about it. But I may be missing the whole "I'm a Female aspect"
  19. Double Standards

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Gucci Mane

      Gucci Mane

      Bad part is, I read Fedot's 2nd to last comment with his voice. smh.

    3. Fedot


      I have a voice.... IS IT MORGAN FREEMANS!

    4. Pringle Mccringleberry
  20. Not Maybe dosent matter if they are good. if they are 16 they are allowed in the APD
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