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Everything posted by lvy

  1. anyways, did we raise the gambling max to at LEAST 100mil? lately the casino has been rigged with not being able to hit green the past 2 days so ik somethin is up with. 

  2. the fact that i was about to bet all my money and then get kicked 😫  


    1. buckie


      maybe if u werent in hong kong 

    2. Hurricane

    1. DeadPool


      want drame make forums post and @ people calling people out

  4. just hit a fat 70mil on green and that shit got removed tf

  5. bring back old gambling, im tryna see 100mil bets being done again tf 

    1. lukie
    2. nem0
    3. Mighty


      Seeing bets requires you to play


      iirc next update should have they big casino updates.

  6. RIP to all my 21 houses i had on my  5 alts, forever will be missed 😥 

    1. Walt Is A Mako Rebrand

      Walt Is A Mako Rebrand

      We had to free up all the room for the decaying playerbase!

  7. i love u olympus love miss u so much 

    1. Polly


      missed you too bbg when can i see my kids.. : ( 

    2. Lea


      Miss you too 💜 💜 💜 💜 

  8. when staff put in new houses in kav just for them and their friend group could take them cuz 😂 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more


      fr fuck whoever bought the frog pro house 300m from pro

    3. Slaughter


      that was myles who bought the frog pro house, he wants 12mil for it. also ivy you're cooked, i promise you that it's definitely not that way 

    4. Ryan


      Bro I couldn’t even get a house I wanted because I was too late… and I knew about the update… 

      this is indeed not true lol

  9. If you ever thought getting a kav house was EVER that easy then you are so wrong. These houses that I have aren't just little houses that go up on the average day, no, these are houses near kav square that i spent 20+ mil on to own and a lot of time playing to get them. Stop acting like we Silla just logged in one day and bought all the houses because that is not what happen. Over half the houses were owned by DB and it took months to years to get most of the houses we got today and we derseve to have these houses. Not you, not the new people, us. We do. Because we put the time and effort into getting them. POV: you log on to except a house to be up for sell near kav square on a server that has been around for more than 5 years POV: its 2017 and DB/memeshack owns all kav POV: cop main tries to have an opinion on a civ problem
  10. Again, please do not speak for everyone, this is only about your experience. People do report it and its silly for you to think they wouldn't. You should know, people would purely report just because it was a Silla member. For the record, I would always make sure all the members followed the rules and learned from their mistakes.
  11. I've already heard this one before, " all you do is RDM", just not true. I am not saying RDM doesn't ever happen in Silla but you are making it seem like that is purely what the gang is which its not because we would always be banned, which we aren't. Plus, I know back then for a fact, most of the RDM came from the new players, lmao.
  12. I do not think its fair you try to relate your personal feelings to everyone because its just not true. Maybe its hard for you to enjoy but not everyone or new players. In fact, when I played, we used to help new players SO much, more than anyone would ever admit yet all we got was hate on the forums. I would have staff literally bring me new players to help them out and show them around, even invite them into Silla. Silla, being one of the most caring and fairest gangs to ever be on Olympus; there are so many positive impacts Silla was to the server. We brought in anyone actually wanted to join and learn with us and they did. I could go on all day about the positive things about this gang. Anyways, Silla on top.
  13. aint nothing "winning" about spending over $2,000 and 10 years here and if you think kav was ever an "enjoyable" place, wrong server buddy. unless ur from server 2 where kav was just ran by vigi rats. caloom i may be wrong but im pretty sure ur a cop main so i don't know why you think the popular cities would be "enjoyable" when cities are used for scating (killing cops) hahaha. kav has always been a rough place, mainly on server 1, there has always been a dominant gang in kav for years, its always been like that. Silla is the best gang always and forever.
  14. Hahahah, 5 slots will be harder but nothing will be leaving Silla. Big L, touch grass bojo we know you been here 10 years+. smh
  15. You are so smart SPBojo, thank you. Let me know if you ever want to play medic, teehee. You're very hypocritical but go off.
  16. But I thought that's what house taxes is for? These aren't houses owned by inactive people , these are houses owned by players who do so much on the server (RP) that having multiple houses is helpful. This rule is useless unless we are just talking about scat houses because those are the only hard ones to get nowadays and they should be hard to get. You can get on the server and pretty much get any house you want. This rule is very limiting and any person that has been addicted to the server would know how useful multiple houses would be. Clearly all the server 2 freaks, admins, cartel rats and silla haters are going to disagree lol. Silla on top always and forever, best gang Olympus could ever have on that server ever. Silla Hater big L, Silla is the best gang always and forever.
  17. you literally have a starwars lego as ur profile pic lol, L
  18. If someone does this then I can understand but if I never played then my houses would be gone. You fail to understand my FEW houses are used everyday because of how useful they are. Just because 1 person isn't using them doesn't mean 10 others aren't. Nerdy big L, never liked you to begin with.
  19. Having the option to have multiple houses gives the average player more opportunity to further their RP experiences, especially if they play a lot.
  20. All the staff mad but you guys don't even RP. Shouldn't even have a say in this, should be only community and a community vote. L staff team 2022.
  21. I thought this was a joke at first but turns out this has gotten approve by the CC. This is an honest disappointment to hear. I do not think you guys realize how big of a change this is, its not like some little rule to slide into the fucking server. For years and years players were allowed to have multiple houses on the server. This was good for the server because it allowed players to do multiple things at once and grew a community and grew gangs. I cannot help but notice this rule is ONLY an attack on bigger gangs like Silla or DB. Over 100 million dollars in houses that you guys want to force us to give up. Are we getting comped ? Almost every long-term single player ( real player ) has multiple houses. Almost everyone has another account on this server and its a slap in the fucking face to the players for you guys to want to limit us. Houses taxes was a GREAT idea because it got rid of the inactive people that took the houses, you guys even up the taxes! I want to know the type of people who are suggesting these "rules" to be added because no fucking way they have actually been a long-term player because out of all of the 1,000s of people I've met, not one person would EVER suggest this rule. Its an honest disappoint to hear this, houses are very important to people and VERY important to gangs. I know personally, I have been put so much time and work to get the houses I have and it sucks you guys are inconsiderate. These are your players that have been coming back to YOUR server for years, I just know I am not the person/gang that feels like this. I honestly hope you guys really think about this. I hope the staff see this and try to relate to the times you use to RP because most of you don't nowadays. I hope the CC member that suggested the idea joins a gang, does runs, feds, scats, and drugs to really understand the IMPORTANCE of multiple houses because clearly you don't. Thanks - Ivy.
  22. going to miss u so much, you were my favoirte staff member, you were the only fair, unbias, nice staff member on the team, its going to be hard playing the server knowing  you are gone. goodbye @ Hurricane

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