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Everything posted by Imagine_

  1. Yawn keep crying every time something goes wrong. The server was a better place when you were inactive.
  2. it's all good, im just hoping my stats aren't going to be permanently messed up and they get fixed soon.
  3. If you actually had eyes you'd see my account is still bugged from conquest and I actually have 1300 hours on olympus
  4. Your one of the reasons why new players don’t want to play on the server. Maybe instead of having an ego because you think your special on the server, help new players learn the rules and help them learn how to play and be successful on the server. Not just ban them because they broke a rule. Maybe they didn’t know they broke a rule and this could open up an opportunity to help them learn and maybe you find yourself a new gang member.
    1. HooDi


      hahahahahahaha nice one man you're insane

    2. Zakaloko


      wow dude you ripped some out the frit epic gamer moments 

  5. Honestly, pulling up stats in the last 7 days isn't proving that server 1 has more population considering that server 1 is up 24/7 while server 2 is up during the late afternoon and very early morning. But I understand why and it's because of server population. It sucks having 40 players on one server and 20 on another and having nothing todo. But if you all really cared about keeping server 2 up then play on server 1 and get more people to play so that staff can see that they need server 2 to be open.
  6. Hit me up if your selling: Mar -10 Zafir DMS
  7. Imagine_

    selling gear

    how much for the zafir?
  8. Selling a Zafir hmu with offers
  9. Trying to buy a mar 10 lethal around 2 - 2.3 mill

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hunter


      literally a dogshit clip 

    3. ferg


      Wow those packet loss kids r shit. Thanks for once again another banger clip, is this gonna b in the tage too?

    4. Imagine_


      @ferg You’ll just have to wait and see lol


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Strae
    3. ferg


      You fucking dropped him man. Nice job

    4. Hunter


      When you get shit on by Noble in gang wars it’s fucking sad


    1. ferg


      so glad u already posted the whole tage in separate status updates


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ferg


      whats the deal with 88 and posting cop kills

    3. Kedar
    4. HooDi


      Please double tap c


    1. ferg


      stop spamming status updates with shitty vids

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