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Big B

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Everything posted by Big B

  1. Anyone looking to sell their graphics card? Looking for something cheap for now.

  2. I would suggest a i7 4790l ($340 @ newegg) it would fir the rest of your build a lot better ... and not playing on a tv...
  3. You could by my Asus Strix 970, I wont be needing it in boot camp.
  4. Going to boot camp on the 25th, anyone looking to buy some nice PC parts?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      What CPU ya got on offer here

    3. Big B

      Big B

      Selling an i7 4790k, yours for only $270, it is on ebay right now, but I could take it down if anyone is interested.

    4. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      I am intrested just cannot confirm if I'm getung it until Thursday due to me being aboard.

  5. Why would you want a house right next to rebel, Your house is meant to be an alternative.
  6. Kavala home security system confirmed. https://gyazo.com/496570ada87778527725cc5179ef67d0

    1. BENJI


      I hope thats insured :P

    2. cuzzicann


      You're a terrible pilot and you killed Cuzzi!

  7. Jesus, I thought Honeybooboo crawled into a hole and died a long time ago. At least that is what he should have done. Just leave, you are as outdated as furbies...
  8. Lol, who is playing as [MC] SDAR Warrior on server 1? :P

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dustin87


      Reported and Recorded thanks devil.

    3. Big B

      Big B

      haha nah I am at work checking who was on the server.

    4. Linka


      My boy TheElaborate

  9. Talking to a SGT or higher about promotions is like using an SDAR, loud, annoying and good for nothing.
  10. I am simply trying to raise awareness that it seems the system is more reliant on who knows who rather than who actually puts in the time, I dont want to hear that time shit, cause Bubba puts in ample amount of time. I am worried he is being penalized for not sucking up to higher ups and being in the same circles.
  11. You realize that Bubba probably puts more time on that most of the people who are getting promoted ahead of him. Do you understand how dedicated Bubbaloo is to the server? He fuckin bleeds Olympus. I honestly am boggled that bubbaloo is still a corporal. He has been at that rank for so long and seeing all of the MC cops jump past him in rank because they are buddy buddy with all the higher ups who happen to be almost all MC as well. This stupid high school click shit should really stop and promote people who actually deserve it. P.S. Congrats Gidget, you deserved it.
  12. Bow down to the mighty golden V.I.P. badge!
  13. Are those still working today? I read last night that Oct 1st was the last day to redeem them
  14. well I am not going to buy it for a week so if no one gives you one by then
  15. Just preorder it I will be soon Bubba, so if I do get an extra I would throw it your way if no one else wants to
  16. Was thinking about applying for cop again, then I heard about the buddy system lol.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Big B

      Big B

      I heard if that are at least two cops on you HAVE to play with them? While I was a cop I cherished playing by myself, cause then I could play my way, always hated being paired with shit cops who just wanted to shoot everything and arrest everyone.

    3. Sqwallify


      I played a solid 4 hrs by myself in Kavala on Server 2

    4. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      I haven't heard of this to be honest.  For now I just play with whomever I want unless they tell us otherwise.  When I get on cop my duty is to split up the teams so that we can cover the whole map, not team up with my specific squad member.  Although I do like my squad members ;) 

  17. Increase jail time x10!
  18. RIP now I cant play my normal 1hr/month on cop like normal
  19. What a stupid suggestion... jk <3
  20. Just curious if I am the only one that finds it annoying how when you click on a thread it brings you to the newest post. Any way to make it start from the top? #thelittlethings

    1. Brennan


      +1 makes me want to kill [Tree] members every time I open a post #blamethetree

    2. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Why not kill MC members? :) 

    3. Jaeger Mannen

      Jaeger Mannen

      Someone got their shit "Tree'd" :rolleyes:

  21. Much better news
  22. Used and abused by Pinkstreak, the truth comes out. https://gyazo.com/6e15b866c01449caf7a8ce62bd8922ef

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