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Everything posted by Poon

  1. you can dispute any player who has logged on in the last 6 hours. and for next time before filing a dispute you should look carefully to make sure you have the right person the whole point of disputes is to make player reports less common and giving the player who would usually just get banned a chance to explain their side, disputes do not have to be fully resolved before you can submit a player report.
  2. yes but seeing the way you conduct yourself on the forums and your self righteous attitude I can understand why your app was denied. Like said previously you arent the first nor the last person to be denied from CC. and saying the whole 'we should have elected CC members' is strange to me because you could literally apply the same attitude towards ANY role/faction on the server and people could find someone who they wouldnt have voted to be in the position they are
  3. i HIGHLY doubt that is the sole reason he denied you from CC
  4. damn asylum out here barely scraping together enough money to keep the lights on meanwhile Ryan out here BALLING.
  5. Poon


  6. Kyle Beat the case
    3 counts of RDM and 1 count of possession of illegal equipment for a total of $115,000

    1. CovertV1


      Boy got pardoned 

  7. the only channels you can use voice chat in are group and direct
  8. like i said, maybe it needs to be reworded but the cops intention was not to drive down that bridge and VDM someone. this is just a case or arma physics being weird and making that car hit you
  9. https://gyazo.com/afaab941c51c9bc974e0cbaf87aab11a There is the exact wording in the rule book, however in my opinion it needs to be reworded. As said above this is not VDM and the civs are blocking the only way to where the APD need to go, allowing the APD to ram through the vehicles. Link to the rule book > https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/Altis_Life_Rules#Chapter_2:_No_Vehicular_Manslaughter_.5BVDM.5D
  10. congrats @ Riiken Tenkashie  on 200 days homeless in the Honda!
    On a serious note go show the guy some love during his hard times.

     Daily streams https://www.twitch.tv/riikentenkashie

  11. Poon


    I didnt get an @ but you get a
  12. this is olympus, go roleplay somewhere else
  13. can confirm, we're roommates
  14. quite frankly the worst gangwars this server has ever seen by far.
    @ DeadPool

  15. Poon


    i respeckt it
  16. i believe it was his own stream which is fine
  17. Poon


    o7 not unexpected but still saddening, see you next week loser
  18. Poon

    o7 v2

    o7 buddy
  19. depends on the situation. also could mean that the staff member doesnt believe any rules were broken in the clip provided
  20. lying on comp requests?
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