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Everything posted by Poon

  1. hell yeah brother @ Maddox  i respeckt it


  2. why are you still here talking on the forums then?
  3. back and better than ever @ grooovy

  4. congrats @ Mason Harrison Im sure you will do great things in your new role!

  5. FALSE ADVERTISEMENT I was promised a Kav SQUARE house, did not deliver
  6. Congrats!!! @ Rafa

    1. Rafa


      Thanks Hills| Poon 

  7. Poon


    o7 still a corporal in all our eyes
  8. Poon


    we may have had our differences but i guess in the grand scheme of things you weren't too bad o7 Mrs TheAntiChrist
  9. 5m
  10. Welcome to olympus! im surpried he didnt tell you to kill your self while he was at it, becuase from the sound of this post i know that i would have!
  11. old man is just about dead by now
  12. jokes on you, he doesnt even weigh 50lbs
  13. Poon

    Buying BW gear

    mar 10 DMS at offroad make an offer
  14. Poon

    Rain or fog

  15. 1 at offroad
  16. Poon


  17. good i hope you fucking kill yourself you little autistic shit get cancer
  18. *gets mad after getting robbed in a cops and robbers game mode*
  19. all i can say is, your dogshit buddy, 1 mk1 shot from the right angle will kill the pilot with t3 vest
  20. @Noble would say other wise
  21. hey look we actually agree on something for once!
  22. noah was the best mod this server has ever seen no cap on a stack
  23. remove vigis
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