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Everything posted by TapTap

  1. Turns out.. it did indeed have collision 

  2. e9b0790e6bdd93df35237f28367854a2.jpg

     @ Mighty  is a god tier shooter

  3. Literally takes a few seconds to do. Get them votes in gamers
  4. Since we would like to go deeper into the situation which I left out to not drag buuut. Nicole was contacted in regards to this situation which she did not respond prior to Winters. You losing money is between you and her. This had also been discussed prior to the call being made. Also you seem to neglect the fact that this isn’t the FIRST, or SECOND incident with skinned ghawks or vehicles in general. You also seem to fail to realize I have no responsibility to Winters anymore and I am free to speak freely. I have ZERO reason to have to contact him. In regards to the situation I suggest you ask for the recording of the conversation from Winters or Rexo prior to making a post without the full context. Instead of taking their word for it. Have them post the video or show it to you. However they will probably claim “SAPD info.” I understand you’re kinda new to these but there is much more that happens. However what do I know. Lastly it seems the issue lies in someone with unlimited money. I am facing multiple people who have access to staff points which showed when 137 titan rockets were fired. If money was the issue I have 200 mill built up from Casino funds and moonshine runs. Which if they linked the video you can hear me say it wasn’t about the money, it was about needing another person able to pull hawks to end the any means. They asked why I specifically whitelisted Mighty, to which I responded… “Would you have rather I whitelist a deputy who I am not confident that they know the rules.” Anyways as always #FuckTheSrAPD except all the homies.
  5. Discord>Dev & Design> 11/11/2022, 2229 first paragraph third line… to be exact
  6. Keep grinding, I pray for ya.
  7. btw you’re not up next
  8. Well gentlemen it’s been a fun run. I will avoid being petty and absolutely outting all of sAPD. However, what I will say is I never forgot Iceman. When you believe something is right fight for it and don’t bow down. To all those aspiring to be sAPD may I warn you of the roads ahead of you. You gotta agree with everything from the Capt+ otherwise be outed. If you think for yourself or fail to back what is said above you, you will not see a long tenure in the APD. If you ask Sr Staff for rule clarification when your own Chief isn’t available, you will get in trouble. For those who say coup Winters, since I am no longer under the sAPD set of rules there have been multiple coup attempts. You gotta @ Ryan on it. For too long have I tried to hold the sAPD together. In sAPD there are cliques, you must fit in the dominant clique or yes man the dominant clique. Overall I am happy atleast in exchange for my removal we no longer have the 10 hour limit and Winters now plays 4 hours in game for the first time in 300 days. Thank you @ King Charles I for getting on solely to remove me. @ Iceman I never forgot. Alpha on top forever and always. Thank you for all the people in sAPD who actually made my time enjoyable. I pray for y’all "We must, indeed, hang together or most assuredly, we shall all hang separately."
  9. Happy birthday @ Venomm ❤️ my wittle soldier

  10. @ Clash  Happy belated Sgt day, welcome to the best squad.

  11. I will miss you @ Iceman I remember the days of us playing cop together as lower ranks and then when we had sergeant together last summer. I remember becoming LT and having the best Sergeant a LT could have. I appreciate all the work you do for the APD and I appreciate the friendship. It’s a shame it ended this way. Alpha will always remember you and have a place for you. Thanks for all you did, you will not be forgotten.
  12. Does Evidences locker, gets 30 titan rockets lmfao2fcac7e1b9cfb43597bd1c0d7276ea7e.png

    1. Elm


      So this is why @ Server Lag used his plane instead of the Riot Squad gear. All the titan missiles were stolen by rebels. 🤔

    2. Server Lag

      Server Lag

      aye man again any means necessary 

    3. Polly
  13. I got 11 on my gaming laptop, and 10 on my desktop. I do prefer 10 still but that may just be because I’m used to it. Realistically not that many major differences, I would probably ride out windows 10 until you can’t anymore.
  14. Just listed two 4craters at market value, have fun
  15. Thank god for @ Super_Nova

    Special shoutout to fellow gambling addicts @ Mighty  , @ Brandyn  , @ Rexo  and @ a polite young man . You’re not done gambling until you have no more loans you can take out.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TapTap


      @ Christoph  I legit said right after making this video I fucked up by not trying green again.

    3. milos inflated dev2 ego

      milos inflated dev2 ego

      bitch ass hoe always double green


    4. Lucien


      At least you hit green eventually....


  16. Congrats @ notsodank ! I knew you would make it!

    1. notsodank


      couldn't have done it without you

  17. Unfortunately you made some bad choices, however, in the time of knowing you it was fun. Take care.
  18. Congrats @ TomGB  on Corporal!

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