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Retired Chief
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Everything posted by EatMeth

  1. Really do miss good ol olympus

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. EatMeth
    3. DeathDingo


      Ive seen you in Top west wasteland when I play that sometimes. I thought you were here too?

    4. EatMeth


      Nope just havent really been playing much of olympus since the update

  2. Cant wait to be up at 2:30 am picking peaches. WE BETTER SERVER TRUCE THAT BITCH

  3. Wipe = Can Rdm Without Getting Ban. AM I RITE

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hades


      I would have to say NO to that one. Would suck to get banned and not even get a chance to try out the new features we have in store.

    3. Fedot


      Hades Party pooper ;)

    4. EatMeth
  4. When your power goes out -_-

    1. Warfare


      You dance around naked

    2. Brennan


      Sit in a corner and try not to cry


      Cry a lot.

  5. 10/10 shooting
  6. EatMeth


  7. The Salt Was Unloaded

  8. My mom hack my account she's a seahawks fan. GO PATS AM I RITE
  9. Well we need someone holding the pot. So Ill more then gladly hold it
  10. ?All this free money
  11. 500k on the seahawks
  12. Gtx 960 should do
  13. You never stick to the ground anyways
  14. What a great fucking nite on olympus #Medics4Jesus #KavalaGoKarts #SteakDinner

    1. Ventar


      I over cooked my steak in the explosion... Would not be surprised if I am banned in the morning but most defiantly the best time i've had on Olympus #SteakDinner #MakingMedicsBank

  15. I laughed
  16. You know my favorite feature of the overhaul is the booty
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