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Retired Chief
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Everything posted by EatMeth

  1. if any e-women want to hit my line I got a chief of police account I can lend you for some feet pics 😀

  2. 🧀🐀 <-- Nerdy

    1. Airborne


      Don't forget @Pledge He's also a career🐀 

    2. Pledge


      @Airborne I didn't even hear about this till it had a majority. I'm a rat but this one ain't me


    1. 3 Rip

      3 Rip

      yea filter siege super fun to watch omegalol

  4. This is just a game of cops and robbers.

    Yall need to realize this.

    Cops and Robbers. 

    1. KrispyK


      Dont forget vigi and handout civ rep

    2. PoptartRex


      This is how I describe the game mode to anyone that has never heard of it. Cops and robbers.

  5. Ares just needs to sell his bathwater.

  6. "Make Sure to Rate Me 5 Stars On The OS Support App and next time bring more meth"
  7. Welcome back stolen valor :dejaywink:

  8. This tweet sums up the hacker situation to me


    1. silton


      that sums up sidechat but with ip address

  9. If you don't agree that game of thrones has gone full dogshit you are a monkey.

    1. Slumberjack


      I wish they had split it into two seasons at the least :( 

      Feels oh-so rushed....

  10. new emote up
  11. Where the fuck is @McDili on the list lmao Fuck Tai as chief
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