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Olympus Entertainment - The Conclusion of 2024 - $4000+ Giveaway & Holiday Sales/Price Match! ×


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Everything posted by CaloomClark

  1. @GoonThe13Yearold got 8m of gear ezzzzz didnt even have to move any gear either. At least be a good rat u bellend
  2. Now it’s just time to unban people who kill switch everyone and blow up the servers!!!!

  3. Every gang he tries to join someone tag this post pls
  4. Should allow retired staff rabid, i’d ban evade at the opportunity to shoot that fat fuck in the face each time i see him :))))
  5. Imma b a whitenight here and lyk and rpgs r like 900k and rockets r like 100k.
  6. Seems incredibly aimed @torre
  7. ‘Short walk from gas station’ what is this like the tv show a place in the sun??
  8. 07 @Zeuse you good rangers lad. Fuck @Kyle....... celtic retard

  9. How tf have i made a mil and 150 wps bruh??

  10. @Big John1
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. CaloomClark


      Trust me dude this isn’t the start.... when the game came out when i was younger i played like 350hrs on it or some shit.......

    3. vedalkenn


      Tap went and moped in the corner of a lake cause I caught a bigger fish than him

    4. Tapatio


      bro fuck you that was a rough day on the lake lucky you were on the dock 

  11. Unban and i’ll show an unpatched way on how to dupe lumber tycoon axes on roblox!!

    1. buckie


      U will get unban soon they need players

  12. Yes unban hackers and not people who ALLEGEDLY tried selling money!!!!! Hackers don’t even need to ban evade at this point
  13. i knew it was bad, but when tf did i lose 1.25billion??


  14. Do a bw?
  15. Unperm me @Headless, i'll get these niggas all getting perm'd into shape, just give me access to talk in side chat😎

  16. LETSSS GOOO @Jig more money for da casino?

    1. jig


      thanks and no reactions and fuck the casino I’m done

    2. jig



  17. @Monks i played 1300hrs as civ and i dont get no NLR and free mar 10 t4 vest loadouts smh
  18. WoW nOaH kIlLeD a NeW pLaYeR sO i CaN tOo. Dont even try and bring that kind of stuff into this kind of a talk. Not even going to say anything for so write whatever else you want. No reasoning with you uneducated internet people
  19. Just leave u uneducated fruit, please. Go find a corner and cry about u leaving an OlYmPuS aLtIs LiFe SeRvEr over staff. Go and slit your wrists crying nerrrrrrrrrr big john beat me nerrrrrrrrr i cant beat the olympus staff nerrrrrrrr me and rabid are right everyone else is wrong. Fucking weirdo.
  20. All PO's and deps nowadays are in it for the money, and cause there is legit 0 money to be made on cop they will dl whatever the fuck will get them anything. Nevermind an offroad, a newer gang, which i often see all out with like spar 16s doing say 3tempest devices of coke. Ofc they're gonna fight the APD, why would they gamble the roleplay with terrible cops nowadays? Although newer players with spar 16s against 8 cops all with AT LEAST spar 16s, and hey? Say my 3 fine gents manage to pull a miracle and kill every cop, they will come back, again and again and again. Such a shame cause once APD catches a whiff of something illegal that they wanna "rob" THEY WILL GET IT.
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