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Everything posted by CaloomClark

  1.  07 fr i guess lol

    1. eknjack
    2. CHEESE1


      i love you little brother with even crooked teeth

  2. CaloomClark


    Shut yer pie ya cheeky basterd
  3. CaloomClark


    Eh to an extent, when he was acting all big and doxxing people then kind of, but there’s a limit lol. When there’s literally people nearly in their 30’s not grown up enough to look over a bit if shit talk from a 14yr old then it’s just on the adult tbh
  4. CaloomClark


    You are one ugly cunt lad And don’t post pictures of yourself then try get people banned for it you little ratty cringy fuck. Spreading irl pictures in a game is wrong, i get that, but don’t be a fucking bender and try frame someone for you being a cringy 13yr old
  5. CaloomClark


    I guess with a lot of spare time you could now learn how to write a sentence that people can actually read, and understand!
  6. You were lickin his hole clean the only time i ever saw you two interact u muppet
  7. Wait nvm sorry for that terrible accusation, i think the gay ass kid in support was named either Owen, Landon or Jason, not you mr @ZAZA really sorry dude
  8. Warier. You dumb fucking sped.
  9. U absolute bellend remember when we were in a support room and you tried talking to me? Yeah well i also remember u licking rabids ass clean when i said it was funny that he’s fat you then said i should keep my thoughts to myself? Yeah stfu back to the shanty town.
  10. Don’t even try and say that u little freak you cried over a bw HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA
  11. You’re nothing but a low life, uneducated ,fat beaner spastick that is hated. Don’t even try and chat any form of shit to me faggot
  12. What’s to complain about there?
  13. Crying doesn’t seem like fun youngling
  15. I should get me a minecraft server going and scam 8yr olds for a grand
  16. You wouldn’t get it sir
  17. I think you’re banned sir? Lol
  18. Theyre fucking dog They have manoeuvrability worse than my dead nan
  19. Ahhahaha get fucked fat retard ahahhahahahahahyahaga
  20. Yeah true man i do really cafe about my “arma 3 olympus entertainment altis life image”
  21. Fuck i love annoying you online spasticks. Back to crying at the devs retard.
  22. This post is absolutely braindead l o l Got like 15hrs on reborn, 13mil few frits n quilins n shit and never even thought about doing a run, i go on and fight for fun
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