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Everything posted by Penguiny

  1. don't listen to the haters they are jealous of your frames
  2. stop minging im being serious
  3. Admins should ban frits because i cant get a single kill during conquest so they should cater towards players that arnt that good and give us a chance
  4. Penguiny


  5. wats with fatties posting  shitty arma montages in 2023 💯👻

    1. -dante-


      Link yours bb

    2. Mudiwa
    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      To be fair they have been doing it for years ;D

  6. real shit sov
  7. dick sucker
  8. bitch
  9. the admins are trying to silence me. Stay woke 

  10. what about me? baby
  11. we cant be for certain currently at this moment
  12. HOLY COW tilde ELM IS CHEATER we need help @ Fraali
  13. real talk yo
  14. 8781a6f9f1668f8544615a0db76944d0.png

    Dont hmu im takin now 

    P.S she doesnt like boys she likes men @ kny  

  15. hey guys, im thinking about starting up sinity again, would anyone like to join?

    1. Legendary


      if you bring back your gaggle of retards

    2. Horizon
  16. let them get tuckered out

  17. i honestly agree. His ego is insane
  18. homophobic and racist whats wrong with 2 black men kissing deserves a misconduct ban
  19. @ Headless  please revoke posidones posting privileges he does not speak on behalf of 8 ball members. HE IS SETTING US BACK

  20. tbh you a nerd ngl
  21. we have been community managed
  22. ill buy it for 500 mill
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