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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Phizx

  1. If you can't get on Olympus after the update Steam>Library>Right click on arma> Properties> Betas> Opt into legacy mode> Code is Arma3Legacy158 > Check code and your good to go. Poseidon said the servers would be updated shortly but thats just a quick fix if it takes longer than expected.

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Servers are already being updated. There won't be any need for this. But thank Mr. Phizx ;) 

    2. Phizx
    3. The Mountain

      The Mountain

      updated means it will be good next restart?

  2. Well thats unfortunate that you made a mockery of course, what did you think I was talking about. Kappa.
  3. Caught me on that phat clickb8 m8. I was like "Oh this shit again" rip 10/10 would leave again 2/2 will come back ina month or two
  4. Phizx

    Bye Guys :)

    I fucking love you ham <3 and I didn't invite him, he applied Feel free to hop in ts and troll as long as you're not too aids I won't take away your tags anymore I pwomise
  5. Here comes another shitty youtube video about a ninja defuse socio got earlier. Prepare your anus

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Heatflow


      We all got a laugh out of the crash. only a game buddy

    3. Brennan


      Tell that to your bud who made a status update directly attacking someone. I am just over here defending my fellow officer :P

    4. Heatflow
  6. "The gang shitters is taking Mushroom cartel on server #2" is this possible to do if you were playing on server #1 for example?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RogueMK
    3. Augustus


      Just connect to the other server you lazy fuck

    4. RogueMK


      why was my comment removed lol

      "oh look our cartel is being taken on server 1, let me just find a good spot to log out!"

      as if there isnt enough sidechat bitching. Ghosting in will only make it worse lol!!

  7. had to read that over a couple times because I couldn't comprehend your choice of vocabulary Kappa123
  8. Thanks for that man
  9. Let me buy your house first fam
  10. Boutta drop another tage, anyone got a 4 minute song I can use?

    1. Jaeger Mannen

      Jaeger Mannen




      Other than that- Get Fukt you Sidewayz-Nugget-Eater


  11. ~ Tell us a little something about yourself! ~ I live in New Jersey, and play basketball and tennis for my school. ~ Which section of the forums are you most interested in and why? ~ Video & Screenshots because that's where all the top memers are ~ How did you find out about Olympus entertainment? How long have you been a part of our community? ~ I originally started watching Summit and went over to Asylum when I first bought the game to play with him. I soon realized that back then the server was quite shitty so I decided to convert over to Olympus because of the player count and better frames. Since then, I've played Olympus since around August 2014 ~ Have you made any friends during your time in this community? ~ Yes ~ What is your most memorable experience in our servers? ~ Too many to pick one out of but definitely some great times on this server. ~ Do you have a video of your favorite RP moment you would like to share? ~ ~ Do you have a video of your favorite funny moment in-game you would like to share? ~ ~ What do you think a player should do at least ONCE while playing in our community? They should try to fight cartels at least once because I feel that's one of the most entertaining things to do on Olympus . ~ What is your favorite location in Altis ~ Moonshine Cartel ~ What do you think is the best thing about Altis Life and our Olympus community? ~ ~ Do you have any tips or hints for new members? ~ Grind it out, get better, get known, beat on bitches ~ Who do you consider the most UNIQUE member of our community? ~ [Taxi] Marty
  12. My mom stopped smoking around the same time you did and so far she's doing great! Glad to hear you're successful so far. If you can't fight the urge to light up a cigarette you can get these patches that you put on your arm that provide you a small amount of nicotine that completely diminishes your need for a cigarette so they're a lot easier to completely stop once you fight off the habit of smoking. If anything message me for the brand name and I'll find it for ya
  13. HBD shitter

    1. Orgondo


      Thanks you fucking cancer child!

  14. Any chance of new police textures on vehicle and uniform?
  15. Careful! You must not get banned! #Don'tPermMeColt
  16. Believe it or not he actually spent the time pulling all those vehicles, they were all owned by him. Only to have them exploded somehow, it was quite hilarious
  17. "I can't get into the chopper for some reason" -Chief
  18. How to hide from ghosthawks Cop vs Civ Event "Goonie, I want you to block off the gates and make sure no one gets in here!" Thanks ham, for some reason it wouldn't drag files because they were too large.
  19. How are you guys uploading these damn pictures.. Can't figure it out for the life of me why it won't let me upload bigger pictures/screenshots
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