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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Phizx

  1. I would say I'm against it because I use VPNs to join unknown teamspeaks all the time. However, it's keeping these 2 shitheads (Savage and Joel) from spoofing my playerid again and getting me permed so I'll just keep my mouth shut xd
  2. You're annoying and irritating.. But am I complaining? :/
  3. Update servers?

    1. Pledge


      The senior APD will be holding an emergency meeting this sunday to re-evaluate our strategies.

  4. Aaaaaaand thread locked . What a shocker 

  5. Here comes the post deleting and restriction .. see you guys in a month xd
  6. Didn't ninja get unpermed for duping ? Didn't you guys knowingly let m2 ban evade half a year ago (after his very first hacking ban ) and jumpman? Didn't you guys lift MBPslayers duping perms multiple times ? Didn't you unban 3rip because he simply "served his time" on a perm ban ? Didn't symfuhny get unpermed ? Didn't you guys let savage go on a ddosing perm? Wasn't yaw yaw yaw ban just lifted ? I don't have anything against these people , just giving out examples . You guys are SO sure that these perms are reasonable and justified but they're lifted within a matter of time (myself , Joel's first hacking ban , Harley , Haiwood, etc)
  7. I don't necessarily agree with this system . I wouldn't mind if you left the system but lifted bans case by case that way you can weed out who is actually harming the server using hacks . I'm not going to lie , I was as big of a cheater as it gets when it comes to CS:Source and original rust , but I haven't touched a cheat in over 3 years (after CSGO came out) since the 15 vac bans I collected over the past 10-11 years. I'm not affected by automated banning system (Just incase you thought I was covering my own ass) but I do vouch for a lot of the people that are currently banned for bullshit game bans like joining a hacked lobby in mw2 over half a year ago or ESPing in Unturned or some stupid shit like that . This isn't necessarily the way to go when it comes to clearing pull down scripts lol
  8. +1 Now that the retard is gone, welcome to the force Mr. Theak. Hope you find the fun within playing cop (:
  9. You've been here for two years and the first time you get recognition is because of your shit talking . You would know if I was good if you were in a gang above BW or whatever terrible gang you're in >you're awful
  10. When you're bad at Arma so you turn to toxicity but you're bad at being toxic too Seems like you're having a hard time "fitting in "
  11. Let it be known that if you are on the news team at a cartel fight while I'm on you're either walking back or respawning because your vehicle is getting nailed ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. FlapJack


      When news team members are shot we simply just get slung back like 20 meters.

    3. Arigato


      If you send warning shots and they don't comply then feel free to shoot them. 

    4. bigPat


      dont you kill me. Ill toss your dwarf ass.

  12. Fuck the new sergeants... Move gang recruitments back where it was or RIOT

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Temple
    3. Fuzy


      OR we could make a gang section. That'd be dopppe


  13. https://gyazo.com/7facbe5edb7a6b5c9b541266e799e789

    Somethings not right with the placement.. :/

    1. Bow


      It was moved to there because all of the thread replies were taking over non gang recruitment posts

    2. Fuzy


      Omg it's gross.

  14. Wait what the fuck happened there? LMFAO I'm so confused
  15. Bad joke bad joke.... Also how are you -700 rep to post? Fuck my ass lmfao
  16. I don't know why it says I killed him.. I wasn't even in the area xD
  17. Who gives a flying fuck? I think I recognize the VX spreadsheet from somewhere.... Same font and everything.. Hmmmmmm, was it the APD? Nah it couldn't be.. Someone help me out here @G.O.A.T.
  18. I rather just die and buy another load out for 200k than tank an extra bullet or two and die anyways at the price of an extra 300k. I suggest lowering the price
  19. I missed the drama... What's all this about with the tags and News Team? And why the fuck would you remove tags in ts? Lol

    1. Goodman


      • Topic 1: There was a decision, I believe by Poseidon, to remove TS tags around the name and instead have just the badges. 
      • Topic 2: News team is in the works and some don't think it should be a thing.


    2. CommanderSuki


      Some are blaming the News Team for the ts tags.

    3. JAY1HP


      Nobody cares what you missed Ph^zX

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