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Jaeger Mannen

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Everything posted by Jaeger Mannen

  1. For the Love of God! Can we please Upgrade these servers. To hell with Server 3- We have a nice population going now but they won't stick around when everyone is desync'ing and teleporting and lagging out. 

    1. Thomas


      They need some donations to keep them fatty frames high

    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary


      Server seems fine to me.

    3. Nick5523
  2. Go home olympus, I'm drunk

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      No! Sober down! Thanksgiving is gone now!

  3. No one has more TS tags than me.. Get Jaeger'd Olympus. 


    1. Isaac Newton

      Isaac Newton

      Now all you need is a mod/admin tag :D

    2. Jaeger Mannen

      Jaeger Mannen

      That's coming, don't worry.

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Too many tags you say?  I accept that challenge.

  4. Happy Thanksgiving Olympus. Praise the Tree for giving us the fruits to stuff our turkeys with. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tman15tmb


      Who the hell stuffs their turkey with fruit?

    3. Jaeger Mannen

      Jaeger Mannen

      Apples adds moisture and sweetness to turkey. So does onions but that shit doesn't grow on trees...

    4. Tman15tmb


      That explains why my Turkey is always dry..

  5. If I can make money when there is cops on.. So can you. Just be smart about it. Have lookouts and a plan. Running solo? Run drugs that's harder for cops to get to or don't really bother checking that much.
  6. Overall this message should've been said A LONGGGGGG time ago. I can think of some situations where we should've came to the defense of a few individuals that got ragged on way too hard for some stupid and shitty reasons. But no one did. People are pissed right now and relentless because *now* this message is preached in the defense of an absolute shit-bag. Bad timing.
  7. Have to point out that you were raging at me in the medic TS and days prior to that you accused me of exploiting because I leaped over a wall and full-auto'd you... and honestly I think you're just playing devil's advocate because it's a "loud-play" and brings attention to your Irrelevant Existence. This community and game does have a "Toxicity" issue.. but you're expecting us to sympathize with someone that made the most toxic-statement ever on these forums? Hmm...
  8. Poor bastard lost 3 ghosthawks last night... So shitty they chop for 240k...
  9. Time for Doctor Mannen

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      A feminine doctor nonetheless.  Brilliant choice of RP for a Doctor ;) A++ lol. 

    2. Jaeger Mannen

      Jaeger Mannen

      That didn't last long... too much Testosterone.. 

    3. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup
  10. Everyone on Altis has Diabetes because of all the Redgull we drink. FACT
  11. While servers are down and I'm sitting here drinking in a parking lot, drinking a beer before going to school; gotta say that I've met some awesome people on this server. Had some awesome times. Yesterday's event was the pinnacle of events and I was proud of all the gangs efforts that showed up. GIANT shoutout to McDili. The truest warrior on olympus. Huge shoutout to Bubbaloo who rocked tree tags and slain many for the great tree. This is when jaeger realizes he's kinda buzzed....

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Thoughts we let out when inebriated are the most honest of them all. I am sure you meant everything you said.  This is a magical place indeed.  

      Thanks for that shoutout Jaeger.  It was a privilege to be part of the great Tree ;) 

    2. Jaeger Mannen

      Jaeger Mannen

      ...Can't forget to thank SirShitterLots knowledge of assaulting the meth cartel which came in extremely useful and helped formulate the base of attack on meth cartel. Huge cogratulations to Nick5523 for being best Olympus Spike-Strip and Winning-Shot Clutch player. It was one of my best days on olympus. Thank you all to everyone in The Great [Tree] - The First Gang War Winners. You are now the foundation of history on Olympus. Well Done.

      And now you may All Hail The Great [Tree]

  12. I remember my First beer.... *Jaeger thinks long long ago*
  13. It's Starting Soon. Game-Day. *THE* Day. I'll see you all on the island. All Hail The Great Tree.


    1. Peter Long

      Peter Long

      Make sure all members of your gang are in olympus ts with TREE tags on before the event starts.


  14. Rick rolling... That was clever back in 2002... Oh the trololololol song... Yeah- that'll boost the likely hood of RDM...

  15. Welcome to something you'll check more than Facebook. Looking forward to your opinions and such on forum topics. #allhailthegreattree
  16. Yes, back to the real topic at hand before someone wanted to "soap box", sucks to see you go dannyfrog. I haven't really played with you much at all, but from my small interactions with you, you're a solid player and a loss to this community.
  17. Is that the guy that couldn't follow a single damn rule? BRING HIM BACK!!!
  18. Wow... so pretty much.. 5 months later and still Salty? Your life must be so eventful...
  19. Had me up until that CopyRight infringement.. You owe me 50k.
  20. Now that -TI- is gone, maybe gangs should step up and start Improving the RP and adopting some New-Player Friendly attitudes. Not saying [Tree] has been great the past month in that regard, but we'll definitely be stepping up. Lets care for this community before it hits an unreachable rock-bottom. 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Lethals Loaded
    3. Thomas


      Telling someone hands up or die or put your big beautiful hands up towards heaven or meet your maker is the same thing...and its definitely not rp

    4. Jaeger Mannen

      Jaeger Mannen

      We get that Thomas, just saying its a start. Tree will be holding church sessions in Kavala for people that wanna learn about our Lord and Savior, The Great Tree.

  21. Just gotta add.. 3-nip was in tree and got kicked for being complete shit. The end.
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