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Everything posted by Talindor

  1. Talindor


  2. Talindor


    ok Swervy, gratz on T.
  3. Talindor


    You didn't leave, you got the boot for doing questionable things, and I will give you the respect of not mentioning them out to the community as you posted a montage of killing people in restraints while complaining about the gang. I truly hope you find a gang soon that would look past your immaturity and "questionable" actions. Good luck friend, I hope that app you put into MC and T fares well...
  4. Just finished my work's home page to their website with links to their social media icons, Google +,twitter, Instagram, Gmail. Very excited. If you guys wanna see my portfolio on my project let me know. :)

    1. platinumfire


      sure why not hand it over

  5. That's how most of us learned.
  6. Dante, youtube is your friend, so is Google, they have tons of how to vids.
  7. Thank you for having me, and to those that participated.
  8. Whenever there was an issue or situation, whether it's in Olympus or any real life company you worked for or anything else, the leaders created systems that had policies and procedures to prevent it from ever happening again or in place to impliment countermeasures for when it happens again. There really is no other idea for a system to be implemented without a compromise that is fair across the board. The systems in place regarding consequences for actions rendered whether you are on as apd or civ and how that would affect your privileged white slot are in place. If these systems are followed there should be no doubts that situations are handled fairly, ethically, and are justified. Another thing to take note is the individuals credibility as a player and if they have a history of skimming by, or is this their first infraction givin the history. All in all I believe the systems in place covers alot of ground, and should not be questioned unless there is a pattern of them not being followed.

  9. Countless ghosthawks have been brought down/stolen/blown-up by capable players and their respected gangs. If you and your fellow few are not able to do this, then you need to adapt/adjust/change your game plan. Take a page from any one of these gangs that have succeeded on multiple occasions of taking out a ghosthawk. Im gonna close with an example, because really all it takes is simple planing and thinking (and a calm,cool, pilot). A ghosthawk chases you/friend, and during that predictable chase, that amazing juking pilot kites them to a garage where you (smart thinker) pulls out a 50 cal and go nutz! Blac...er ghosthawk down, you did it, you took out a extremely expensive weapon the APD has and I am sure that unfortunate senior officer would have to wait awhile to accumulate the funds it takes to operate a new one.
  10. If you have shadow play change to desktop record, change your in-game video settings to full-screen window. So during a glitchy patch if Arma crashes and you log back in, you can hit record and it will record the whole ordeal. In-game recording once arma crashes you will have shadow play issues. If you have Nvidia that is. OBS I am sure you know how to work that. Then submit if it is an honest server issue for comp.
  11. I dont know what happened, I went to service my money hatch, it changed color, and I can no longer get them via shop, help?

    1. Augustus


      happened to me with my ice cream truck

    2. Orgondo


      Welcome to my life.

  12. Worth every penny! Yay! Now if I got legacy donator promise.......
  13. You handled that fine, and you role-played well as an officer upholding the law.
  14. Oh sorry, Goodbye Ham!
  15. We'd watch game of thrones and it goes like this usually; Scene ends with a wtf ending. Gf; I don't get why that happen? Talindor; it's because your mexican! *plow* Talindor gets punched in the arm! "I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY!" runs away......
  16. OMG LOL, now I'm gonna make fun of my gf Lol, thx dili. She says mexico has superheros.
  17. Talindor


    Awww, ok, I'm gonna give you a proper recognition.......
  18. Talindor


    Gratz on sgt Rouge:)
  19. Talindor


    Least your not going around asking the people you work with what kind of Redgull they want..........
  20. Lol
  21. LOL! Who dat! Who dat!
  22. To my understanding, @ToeKnee put them back in without the mechanic as it was only for the ease of access for everything rebel excluding the guns, armor.
  23. Downloading Arma 3

    7minutes download, next is lethal's guide, then some tweaking....

  24. There was a case when a certain someone, *cough**cough* *peter* *cough* *long* set slam mines up on the support beams inside HQ and added it to his hostage situation....
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