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Everything posted by Talindor

  1. Happy birthday Ares

  2. Dick
  3. Not true, you need to purchase them at the shops that sell the items/vehicles corresponding to your dlc pack.
  4. Suspects that are restrained are already invincible whilst being escorted. I do not think it's a good idea implementing invincible handcuffs, as killing your friend in restraints is not consistent. I agree with Mcdili, careful planning by officers securing the area against the challenge of friends bailing someone out promotes leadership qualities, focus, and good practice. Implementing invincible handcuffs takes that away, also would give the suspects a helping hand as Pledge mentions, they would be used as shields. If players decide to take away the role playing situation by being lazy and killing their friend just report them. Your video with the guy coming in to rook his friend is not common and should not have happened if your officers secured the area to prevent that from happening in the first place.
  5. I'm assuming there's an inside joke I may have missed.
  6. Apd is a faction that handles everything in it's realm. We are not saying be there 24/7, we gave the reserves ample time to decide what there next course of action was going to be as the reserves was going to be removed. Handling a game issue as staff can take anywhere from 5 minutes to two hours or more at a time. Also this has been posted sometime ago, the reserves was removed last month.
  7. If it's a quickie, wrap that sticky.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Danger


      Pull out game so strong, that's why I have none. @DanteFleury

    3. Mercury


      Condoms are for pussies and sailors

    4. DeadPool


      Take this is TIP into consideration.... My dad never did...

  8. To Be Dated
  9. @Bubbaloo Burrito I do not doubt that you knew about the blindfold and it's function. I think that it is too soon for everyone in this topic to try to hinder it's use for the apd.
  10. The update just released, so everyone's excited with the blindfold feature (new hype). It's usefully to cops in a sense that it helps taking comms and gps from high profile suspects. It has only been a couple of days since it's release lets give it a bit more time.
  11. Pilot and gunner will communicate the operations of the ghost hawk. This is not something that we will give to officers to have a field day with. It will mostly pertain to situations into which the senior deems necessary to handle. These situations very seldom happens as sometimes it is very much needed.
  12. The rule was modified mainly for the seniors. If they felt they can trust officers to man and pilot a ghost hawk they can make that decision now. In reality those chosen officers have shown that they are responsible and mature and consider this as a chance not to mess up their career if they are ambitious.
  13. No, but great idea.
  14. I always ignore those text messages.
  15. Think about it for a sec, a known criminal refuses to get out of a chopper knowing taser do nothing, what can you do as a corporal to handle the situation within your power.
  16. If they refuse this would be a clear situation that falls under tasers not adequate.
  17. Hi, Minor updates to the APD faction. Promotion Requirements Corporal : Minimum of (10000 minutes) of play time Chapter III - Use of Force Vehicle Shooting When fired on the officers may return fire on that unit(s) with the intention of disabling the unit(s). This includes any weapons such as hand guns, assault guns, Titans, .50 Cal, ect The officers may only fire back when they have a positive location of the unit(s) that have fired If the officers are starting the engagement APD must send a text to a member of the criminal unit from an officer within the vehicle before firing letting them know they will be fired upon by the APD if they do not surrender Once it has been determined that the suspect is clearly evading, they are cleared to open fire upon the fleeing assailant. Number 4 verse one everyone have already done this, however we removed texting the suspect fleeing in their vehicle as they already knew they were being pursued. Chapter V - Hostage Situations A player may not be pardoned if their bounty is $1 Million+ or if they have an Escaping Jail charge and/or Hostage situation charge. Chapter X - Checkpoints & Patrol Guidelines Altis Highway Patrol (AHP) uniforms and vehicles can be utilized at any time if necessary. Chapter XIV - APD Aircraft Ghosthawk Patrol - Ghosthawk patrols are conducted by Sergeants or higher. These patrols are utilized for a heavy APD response to large gang actions or high risk rebel activity. Minimum Crew - Pilot + one Gunner - Sergeant or higher must be online. Ghosthawk rules: Previously SGT had to be present at the situation. Now, SGT just has to be in the server. New Squad will be Implemented shortly!
  18. I just reviewed your case, check your email. I will now lock this up and leave this to everyone else; If an Officer is conducting themselves outside of the standards that are in place for the APD, put in a report, don't make threads against a faction as a whole on the forums.
  19. What Happened? What was the situation that caused you to express your discontent with the APD? Pretty simple really when interacting with officers whilst being a civ. All APD have to worry about is RPing as an Officer. If you are conducting illegal activities and get caught by cops, you would be processed according to the situation into which you were in. Your actions leading up to the apprehension also are taken into consideration post process. Knowing these two factors and understanding the role of the officer, the civilian would need to be a bit creative if he/she were to "sweet talk" their way out of a ticket. I cannot simply kill cops and expect for my gun not to be seized because the officers did not take my excuse of PTSD and a war veteran story seriously. A good Officer role plays like one, they go off of facts, that means evidence they either seen, or witness by their partner. The story created by civilian in question needs to make sense to the officer. He then bases that on the facts he has at hand leading up to the point of interrogation. Again it really depends on your encounter Sociopathic and if your encounter differs from what I mentioned above where the process was lazy, put in the report. You cannot expect the APD as a whole to meet what standards you perceive good rp is, however if you feel that your encounters ( based on you venting here) are questionable, put in a report and we will look at it.
  20. Probably migrated from asylum.
  21. Their lives matter more now, taking a hostage now grants jail time if caught.
  22. Players should not get charged hostage situation if it fails, only when successful. If successful we would have to post ways less they get caught further down the line.
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