Minor updates to the APD faction.
Promotion Requirements
Corporal :
Minimum of (10000 minutes) of play time
Chapter III - Use of Force
Vehicle Shooting
When fired on the officers may return fire on that unit(s) with the intention of disabling the unit(s).
This includes any weapons such as hand guns, assault guns, Titans, .50 Cal, ect
The officers may only fire back when they have a positive location of the unit(s) that have fired
If the officers are starting the engagement APD must send a text to a member of the criminal unit from an officer within the vehicle before firing letting them know they will be fired upon by the APD if they do not surrender
Once it has been determined that the suspect is clearly evading, they are cleared to open fire upon the fleeing assailant.
Number 4 verse one everyone have already done this, however we removed texting the suspect fleeing in their vehicle as they already knew they were being pursued.
Chapter V - Hostage Situations
A player may not be pardoned if their bounty is $1 Million+ or if they have an Escaping Jail charge and/or Hostage situation charge.
Chapter X - Checkpoints & Patrol Guidelines
Altis Highway Patrol (AHP) uniforms and vehicles can be utilized at any time if necessary.
Chapter XIV - APD Aircraft
Ghosthawk Patrol - Ghosthawk patrols are conducted by Sergeants or higher. These patrols are utilized for a heavy APD response to large gang actions or high risk rebel activity.
Minimum Crew - Pilot + one Gunner - Sergeant or higher must be online.
Ghosthawk rules: Previously SGT had to be present at the situation. Now, SGT just has to be in the server.
New Squad will be Implemented shortly!