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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Talindor

  1. This thread has run it's course.
  2. $1000 is an old donation post of the most given.
  3. Oh look, it's raining cash! Lets open 5 more servers!!!!!
  4. Fixed your signatures, no goat humping for you.
  5. LOL
  6. Well your gonna have to be patient some more. Oh wait.....aren't you like.........
  7. Exile lol I forgot there is no rp there lol
  8. ^What this guy said
  9. Not the point of topic and I forgot to lock this
  10. Recently it has been brought to our attention that there are players joining gang teamspeaks and is either impersonating an Olympus staff member, or implying that they are representing us on our behalf. It seems the motive behind this is to cause issues among players they dislike in that gang, speaking amongst the gang's higher ups with promise that they have videos of alleged RDM or some other kind of infraction. I would like to remind the community that we do not send players on our behalf, nor will we ever discuss a player's case regarding his discipline to other players, for the player's security and privacy. The Olympus Administration will only discuss player cases among ourselves. We do not share that information openly, if the player feels that he wants the community to know, that is at their discretion. Thank you.
  11. Welcome to Olympus, ^ what this guy says. Focus more on the group of friends mostly. Dog eat dog world out there.
  12. omg Google Poseidons kiss!!! This is literally someone's signature on the forums I swear!!!
  13. Poseidon's kiss When you begin to shit in a toilet, and the water splashes up and touches your butthole. I jizzed when I took a shit and got a Poseidon's kiss.
  14. I looked at this and the entire time I was skimming through his 'notebook movie,' speech all I can think of is some player with a signature that describes what a Poseidons kiss is. something about toilet water smacking your ass or something.
  15. Wumbo, I understand your new to the community, if you have suspicions of mistreatment from an officer , please file a report. If your not sure how, join the support channel on ts and a staff member will be happy to assist you.
  16. Rick has an affair with Morgan . Oh meh gawd! hype ends, there u have it, Michelle is devastated .
  17. let me know if it works.
  18. Their announcement ; "Last week, we asked our players to test an updated memory allocator, which we hoped would help solve sudden performance drops. Thanks to you, we already have some community test results. Sadly, the newly introduced memory allocator does not solve the issue for all players. We've collected reports of all sorts: some claiming that the FPS drop disappeared completely, and some stating that their game runs much slower than with the regular memory allocator. Thanks everyone for your reports! We'll of course keep investigating the issue."
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