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Everything posted by Talindor

  2. The moment when you look at your boss in the eye and tell him he owes 8000.00 business taxes for last month.   0.0

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Talindor


      Didn't go well, he's trying to tell me how accounting works lol, still fighting him.

    3. TheSkyStarKnight


      Uh oh... I guess it's more of a be careful then :ph34r:

    4. Talindor


      He thinks that he can change paying business taxes to cash base i.e. checks deposited from paying monthly invoices billed to clients that he charges taxes to. You cannot do that, once you decide what to go with when  open your business, your stuck with it, regardless on how cheap/expensive it is monthly.  

  3. This wasn't banned, this commercial aired long time ago on TV then got pulled off.
  4. Lol I'm sorry, I didn't even look at the vid I just saw the title and said wished burban back.
  5. What, you mean the gifs?
  6. first 3 gifs were generic, the rest were custm
  7. Wish Burban came back...
  8. All good.
  9. Fedot, If a snake opens said owner's house, and a rookist comes in and closes the door and shoots within the house, he does not have keys to lock himself in there to hide from the cops it's pretty obvious, how he got there. But if he locks himself in the house it's a different story.
  10. If the owner's offline, and the rebels have Bolt cutter's found on them during processing it's pretty clear they broke into someone's house. I don't see how this is an issue anyways as House warrant situations happen once in awhile, not very common in other words.
  11. What happened to the stats page it's not working.......

  12. @Grandma Gary

    When he's not a troll on the streets,

    He's a troll on the sheets!

  13. TGIF!!!!!!!!!!! 

    Gonna buy meh a 12 pack and play till I SLEEP!!!!!!

    1. Peter Long

      Peter Long

      Make sure you are gonna be ok for tomorrow!

    2. Talindor


      yea ok .........

  14. LOL omg you admin trolls are fun to watch at work!!!!


    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      That is not a troll.  Can confirm is new Senior Support Team forum tag.

    2. Talindor


      btw I kid I kid :)

  15. You have a point there, dunno if it's been brought up before tho hhmmmmmmmmmmm.....................
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