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Everything posted by Lea

  1. Uhhhh. Congratulations people who need congratulating on whatever it is you have achieved recently. I'm very proud of your gamer promotions! 🧁

    1. Toretto


      I’m curious how people even find out who to congratulate 😂

    2. Lea


      You'd think they'd humor an old lady's request for a simple promotions thread so I know when and who to congratulate as well as why. I'm not around enough anymore to keep up so I throw out random congratulations when I see others doing it. 🤷‍♀️ @ Toretto

  2. Happy Birthday @ Main

  3. Lea


    Damn, I was hoping to buy your friendship
  4. Happy Birthday @ Doc 🧁

  5. Congratulations Mr Laxative! 🧁 @ Xlax

  6. Lea

    Dear Arma Bestie, 

    I couldn't be more proud! I'm only sorry I am not able to be active enough to be helpful. Congratulations Walter! 🧁

  7. Lea

    Congratulations! 🧁

  8. Happy Birthday Beautiful @ King 🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁💙

  9. Happy Birthday Clash! So glad you are getting your annual shower today! 🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁

    1. Lea


      @ Clash Apparently my tag didn't work early this morning!

    2. Clashingtin
  10. Yeah, he threatened to kidnap me every time he sees me on medic now. What a mean guy! @ Grandma Gary help!
  11. My dude, I'll never forget that time you piloted the submarine all the way to the jail because 88 gave me way too much freedom so I abandoned them. Every one involved was laughing, even them in the end. We have so many memories. The Kavala therapy group. Quad bike drops. Enjoy these in your retirement. You will be missed! I will always save a cupcake for you.
  12. Happy Birthday Beautiful! 🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁

  13. Happy Birthday @ YakGod ! 🧁🧁🧁

  14. Hey guys, it takes thirty seconds.. Go Vote!!!!!


  15. Voted!
  16. Happy Birthday @ XnavrasX !! 🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁

  17. I don't have keys to your garage in Telos
  18. Lea

    🧁 Happy Birthday the most handsome Arma player!!🧁

    1. Lucien


      😳 thank you mom

  19. Happy Birthday @ Ryan !!🧁🧁

  20. Thank you for all the Mother's day greetings! I love you all! 🧁🧁🧁🧁💙💙💙

  21. Currently unexpected trash panda foster mom. Quadruplets. My heckin doggo murdered their mom this morning. They are so cute though. Their eyes aren't even open yet. 

  22. This is a lot to digest with morning coffee and I am full of disappointment boys and girls. @ Iceman I am sorry to see you've lost your rank. You are an extraordinary leader, always making yourself available to junior members. I know that I personally asked you a number of times to do interviews for new deputies that had been waiting a while for them and you nearly always did. In events, you led without being toxic and helped junior members perform better. I have always respected you for the things you do differently than so many others. I can only imagine how upset you are right now. I, also, know how busy you are irl and I get it. Unfortunately, parameters were set and unmet. And it is deplorable that the APD is reduced to only weighing a very small picture when measuring the performance of people now instead of looking at the entire picture. Again, my condolences, your loss is already felt. As to the current status of the APD, Being the unofficial server mom comes with its perks and its afflictions. I am blessed to have been able to get to know so many players and play in nearly every gang at one point on the server. I'm, also, fortunate enough to have somehow snuck into the APD with my terrible skills and feeble attempts at actually playing this game. While its no secret the APD is not my first love #teammedic I do enjoy the people I play with and overall playing with APD members. I hear a lot of feedback, sometimes opinions that are not shared elsewhere. Mostly I get asked for advice on how to handle things. So here is my advice to my Olympus family. It does not -just- apply to this situation but to life as well. You are only in control of what you do, you cannot control others, nor can others control you. In each situation, you have to decide for yourself what you will and will not tolerate, how you will act, what is enough to warrant a change, etc. Sometimes creating a coup, or essentially protesting for a change will work and sometimes it won't. You need to decide what you will do if nothing changes. And for now, it appears nothing is going to change within the APD. Take your next step. Or don't, but don't complain when nothing changes. For me its simply this. As of this moment, I resign from the APD. It is no longer enjoyable nor something I want my name attached to.
  23. ETA on "Mother of Altis" TS tag?

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