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Everything posted by Lea

  1. Fuck you, Betty! At least I made it to 100!!! 🧁😎🤓👸🍻

  2. Awe da puppers! Alll dogs have their derp moments!
  3. Lea

    I hope you have a wonderful day!

     Happy Birthday GIF by Mumbai Indians

  4. Happy Birthday Oldddddddddddddddddddddddddd Man! =P 


    Happy Birthday Party GIF by zoommer

  5. I'm waiting...
  6. You know, a ladies only Oly server would be so lovely some days! 

    @ Vixen @ anti @ GracieGirl


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lea


      @ buckie literally choked on my brownie. You know men have been super successful with WW(it's recently been rebranded) too, maybe you should try it! 😝🤣🤣

    3. buckie


      @ GracieGirl  I wonder who the fat girl is

  7. Happy Birthday! WHEW are you old??!! HAHA still not as old as me =P

  8. Happy Birthday Beautiful! @ Fizgig26


    Happy Birthday Dancing GIF by Just  Dance

  9. So I married this dude today..  Love you @ 1emplar 🤣🧁



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ricky Falzo
    3. Lea


      It's okay @ Ricky Falzo you and I never had a ceremony so we're not official.. Plus @ 1emplar and I are already over as it was only until death 🤷‍♀️ just how it is sometimes 

    4. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      @ Mako Getting them throwback shakes?

  10. Happy Birthday Beautiful!! 🧁 @ anti

    Happy Birthday GIF by GIPHY Studios Originals


  11. It was mostly @ Vixen but we are wanting to run this on Wednesday evenings together. Including coming up with prize money for the nicest vehicles. We would like to go over it with the staff and establish a few rules so people can get event disruption bans if they do things like suivest a group of cars or otherwise intentionally set out to ruin the event. @ Bubbaloo Burrito
  12. Bourbon Cream + Super Lemon Haze vape + Hot Tub= Lea's Friday night vibe. Maybe I'll invite Sov over 🤷‍♀️😎🧁🧁🧁🤣🤣🤣



    1. buckie


      Super lemon haze is some mid ass vape, should be taking nug run or hash balls, instead u got that shit

    2. Lea


      Well you see that was the point  just to be mellow. I understand your sentiment though and I probably would have drank the entire bottle of bourbon cream and smoked something much more strong back in my twenties too. 

  13. LMFAO, oh I am well aware that I will be murdered for this. Bonus points for creativity!
  14. Yes. However, Sov and I have a lot of common interests so she wins this one!
  15. Honestly, it is an event meant for fun and showing off what skin/color combos you like on vehicles. What is the point of having these perks if you always have to be afraid of losing it to show it off. Plus, those donor and subscriber skins are pretty nice, you never know who might donate or sub just to have more options for the car show! It would just be nice to have something just show off that drippy Hunter you never pull bc you know it'll be stolen or seized as soon as you do anywhere else. Take a break and have some laughs! @ Grandma Gary @ Bubbaloo Burrito @ Headless
  16. It's so much fun!
  17. Lea


  18. Good morning sunshines 🧁

    1. Vixen


      Good morning my love!

    2. JoeL


      Good morning Nana

  19. I mean.. Aside from continuing to play this game, my life long history of being a Lions fan should be the largest sign of my masochistic tendencies... But with Stafford playing and Eminem performing this is the closest Detroit has ever been! All kidding aside, I'm a Chiefs fan, when I feel like watching a pro game. I have stronger opinions on college teams. Err, crap.. I mean I'm just a lady I don't get to have an opinion... Blessed be/Under his eye yadda yadda...
  20. Can we get parachutes in frits for conquest please? Also, at least some elevator music @ Weaz



    1. SPBojo


      You gotta work out that Alt F4 muscle!

  21. BUT do you have a pocket combat medic?
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