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Everything posted by Lea

  1. This seems like a reasonable request.
  2. https://gyazo.com/eab410bda1b1e5f234b9d1935ad0962a
  3. Lea

    Selling SUP

    2 mil & sell it to me when I'm on later
  4. I could post my experience, it would make you feel a lot better about yours. Trust me!
  5. Lea

    Uh so, nice weather today huh?  🤣 💜 #pleasedonthatemeforwhatsabouttohappen  


    Angel Halo GIF by Tinashe

    1. Hoot


      Righhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhht... you show up and so does TROUBLE lol

  6. Baby mamas everywhere be like..
  7. Bravo my friend! That's some fantastic reporting! You must do more!
  8. Step one: Don't. Step two: Altis needs a karaoke bar.
  9. What if.. The staff scams you?
  10. It's my least favorite day of the year! Please don't let your grandmas walk anywhere today! #shootallreindeer #realwaronchristmas #idliketoreportavdm 


  11. Not sure who needs to see this but I discovered this little gem today while doing my APD IT checks on their computers.. Furries, every last one of them... AND they didn't deny it... 🤷‍♀️



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. johnny goose
    3. Clashingtin
    4. buckie


      Strike force alpha and bravo are being mobilized the furry scum has seen there final moments on gods green earth. Time to send these animals to hell 

  12. I think I might actually have to break rules.. I need like a month ban. Between sewing and baking for the holiday I should have zero time to play... 


    Hmmm.. Taking suggestions on how to break the rules. What's your go to? 

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. silton


      Cheatings a one month

    3. Millennium


      @ Lea the fun would be me banning you for a month

    4. buckie


      maybe you could just control yourself and not play video games. sounds like u have more things to worry about. addiction tendencies 

  13. Why would Santa skip his favorite person??
  14. Dear Ryan, It has been a long year indeed. Splitting from your gang and making my own has seemed to throw them off just enough. All year many have been insistent that we are dating, and that the leaving of your gang marked our breakup. I was very helpful by neither confirming nor denying it. If we broke up, it was probably me and for that I'm sorry. Ask Ricky Falzo, I'm a bit of a heart breaker. Also, for a small fee I will pretend we're still together for the holiday season so your family doesn't catch on. I've, also, never confirmed nor denied my status as a secret staff member which some players insist I must be due to everything from the bomb over my head to the way I go out of my way to help new players get started. This is obviously the most thankless job as in order to maintain secret status I get absolutely nothing for my trouble. Except for that gang shed full of cupcakes Per your personal request I have gained the trust of many here on Olympus, spied on both staff and player alike and can most definitely tell you who's been naughty and nice this year. I will be emailing you the file later today. I'm not saying some of you should be worried, but maybe you should consider a healthy donation before the New Year. <3, The Loquacious Oly Elf Dearest Olympus staff and players, Thank you for the strangest year in my strangest year. Even the super hateful shit has been helpful. I am forever grateful for finding a place I know I can come when I need a laugh or twenty to get me through. I wish you and yours a joyous holiday season and may you have your best year ever in 22. xoxo, Lea The cupcake giveaway will continue indefinitely (For those who don't know, cupcakes are super redgulls and can be purchased for $2,500 at a Red Burger shack.) PS- Can I get a count of how many cupcakes I have purchased? Disclaimer, it is all @ Falco 's fault for bringing me here and any complaints should be sent to him.
  15. My first peep into conquest 😃 I didn't die.. I, also, didn't get any kills🤣  

    And yes, I left the rebel and yes, I got out of my frit. 😎

  16. 3 are Australian Shepherds and one is a rescue mutt Thank you
  17. I run an entire pack, plus regularly assist a rescue in transporting and fostering. Honestly, one of the biggest helps to rescues is finding those willing to transport. I work with a national rescue and being able to get a dog across multiple states has saved a life more than once for us. Meet my pack Rollo, Shadow, Sugar, and Rocky Joe https://gyazo.com/524c39f9154b11cd621e861c0fc0b12e https://gyazo.com/4a284aecc58da563f85fa59129453ad7 https://gyazo.com/ef03f0c9781014d318b8671277e267ff
  18. I'm so thankful for you nerds! But next time don't let me play for six months with adaptive cross hair on maybe... 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤓🤣



    1. codeYeTi


      @ jeber had this on too when I met him. Glad you got it fixed

  19. I was there and felt very intimidated and I'm not even APD...
  20. I'm not hating on him, imagine if one of us ladies did this though... Its not a good look no matter what.. I'm concerned that you are coming to Oly for positive body affirmations.
  21. Okay but the body style has to be from either the 5th gen (67-72) or the 8th gen(87-91) And I want a cattle farm added for RP. Plus random roaming cows to dodge would be way more fun than rocks
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