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OG Doc

Retired Staff
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Everything posted by OG Doc

  1. I fixed your spelling mistake
  2. Really... But Jesse is right, you can not have any mods enabled
  3. Happy Birthday Fam

  4. We don't do RP training necessarily (though we occasionally do holding training sessions), chances are the more RP an officer is given the more civs will get in return. The usual self defense, this is a bb gun and I did not know you were a cop speeches get old. If you give the officer something good to work with then most cases they will work with you.
  5. Jelly
  6. Most due, if you can't scroll wheel it try using the windows key.
  7. Everyone complains about ghost hawks but it is probably the easiest fight to avoid. There are only two rules you need to know, 1. If you're in an illegal vehicle or aircraft pull over/land when you are told to and the ghost hawk can not shoot at you, 2. Don't shoot at the ghost hawk and it can not shoot back (this of course doesn't matter if the bomb has blown on a jail or fed). If you're going to break rule #2 make sure you don't miss, once the ghost hawk has been shot at almost anyone in that area is free game.
  8. You can play as normal, there is just no time requirement as a reserve
    1. Ham


      When I saw it I was laughing my ass off xD


  9. With the taxi license, people who play the role of a taxi @Marty could start implementing a flat fair rate between islands?
  10. Yes but if a snake opens the doors a player may enter but wont be able to lock the door anyways so the cops wouldn't have to break down the door
  11. Happy Birthday @Gidgit, hopefully drunk Gidgit is on tonight :)

    1. Gidgit


      hahaha thank you Doc

    2. Talindor


      Never had the pleasure to play with the drunk gidget, heard he was a blast to play with 'hence his room change,'

      Happy Birthday man.

  12. You know you can just press R to reload? I didn't think anyone actually use the scroll wheel reload option
  13. OG Doc


    Pretty sure someone had said they were fixed
  14. OG Doc

    Bye Guys :)

    You are still the weirdest 1-3rd male 1-3 rd female 1-3rd kangaroo prostitute i've ever met (I had to cut out the rest) but you will be missed....even the trolling. Don't be a stranger
  15. Just think of all the people in kavala with "Failing to signal" charges
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