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OG Doc

Retired Staff
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Everything posted by OG Doc

  1. No he looks for the appeals that have been denied and chooses those bans to lift
  2. Incoming deadpool blacklist
  3. My downvote button is bigger...




    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. poof| AIRBORNE WORST Admin

      poof| AIRBORNE WORST Admin

      i still dont like u

      gave me abusive behavior strike for posting on a gang recruitment "they are a trash fuckin gang who vigis"


    3. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup
    4. OG Doc

      OG Doc

      Still don't care

  4. OG Doc


  5. O7 dante, good luck with everything down the road! You did a hell of a job filling rex's shoes funny how it's his turn to fill yours. You've done more for his place then many will realize P.S dont be afraid to throw the girls at work a bone once and a while, if she went through that much work to get your # she deserves it
  6. You brought this on yourself!
  7. You need a rollie to do that
  8. Dec 1st.....good luck @Kyle Lake

  9. 07 @Fushigi Good luck with being a dad!

  10. And because they had ares in their name is must have been been staff breaking rules AGAIN!
  11. I will be giving out a fallout 76 BETA key to 3 random people who have donated for the current donation goal (min 5$ donation), cut off time is 2pm est today. Key is good for the remaining two days of the beta (sat & sun). Once drawn they will get a PM from either myself or @Peter Long

    1. falcon


      2* random people, the other is reserved for me. Thank you @Doc :* 

    2. Lion


      Dont like it do fortnite vbucks and ill snatch my daddys credit card

  12. No war points but that way Kyle cant hide!
  13. I would say just avoid him for the month but then we would never see him
  14. Guilty by association
  15. Slow down a bit, your mouth is getting ahead of your brain on something you know very little about. Firstly no one was salty, I had nothing to do with it until the video was given to me but as McDili said, this is something we have enforced for a long time and though it does rarely happen (most players are smart enough to know not to do it) several people have been banned for it in the past. It was never written as a rule because it fell under the use common sense/exploiting sections of the rule. Now it is in writing because someone forgot the stove was hot before they touched it.
  16. Remember what I told you, a little bit of time means a lot, if you want to do right by whats coming down the road finish what you started, I promise one day you will be glad you did...good luck falcon, and its tab to put your hands up btw
  17. Here's a new skin!


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Geralt of Rivia

      Geralt of Rivia

      Amazing, must be added in game ASAP

    3. sleazy turd racoon

      sleazy turd racoon

      Please make this happen 

    4. Mercury


      @Doc Its hard to see all the ants from this high up ;) 

  18. You and Gary deserve each other
  19. It would be pointless, civilians don't always have the correct information to determine if a rule was broken. Just as an example If you are hanging out with your gang in pyrgos and one of your members gets a text but if afk and you get killed and come back because you think they rdm'd you guess what. You engage on someone and shoot at them but in the process your bullets hit a different player, he kills you but because you weren't engaged you assume it's rdm and come back, guess what. At the end of the day you chose to break a rule, whether or not you felt justified in doing so is irrelevant.
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