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Posts posted by JDC

  1. 3 minutes ago, monster said:

    The reason the civilians use that gear is because they Mass armor and auth lethals regardless of the situation or gear, it is the civs adapting to the cops not the otherway around.

    The loadouts listed are ran most of the time (99%) . 

    4 minutes ago, SPBojo said:

    The civilians doing these federal events have been open to discussions and been trying to accomplish as much since the founding of the civilian council.


    4 minutes ago, SPBojo said:

    Wild to me how the same problems happened when all civilians had was MK1's and T3's but sure, lets ignore the fact that this has been a issue since before RPG's were even on the server.


    4 minutes ago, SPBojo said:

    Even the playing field? are you acoustic? The playing field was even before sAPD decided that they needed 10 hunters every wave and started doing so against MK1's and T3's.


    4 minutes ago, SPBojo said:

    If its okay for APD to do it why is it not fine for the same civilians that has it happen to them on cop to do it?

    "I don't think the civilians care to understand or are ready to have an honest conversation about the state of federal events and proportionate response."

  2. I appreciate this post and the discussion it is trying to bring, however I don't think the civilians care to understand or are ready to have an honest conversation about the state of federal events and proportionate response. 

    The reason the APD mass armor pulls and gives Jr. APD lethals is because of the CIVILIANS gear set and the situation at hand.

    The civilians run:


    Armor stack

    And pull RPGs when the APD pull armor.

    Before the APD pull armor and authorize lethals for Jr. APD , the average APD gear set vs the Zafir/MAR10/MK200/MK1/RPG and armor stack is not even close to fair.

    The mass armor pull and authorizing lethals for Jr. APD is to even the playing field.

    And quite frankly the same civilians that complain about proportionate response are the same ones who do the SAME thing when they play cop (mass armor pull, authorize Jr. lethals) .


    • Like 4
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  3. Like it was stated in the IA @ knifemaster had every right to ram the plane as you and your gang were trolling the APD and preventing them from leaving HQ.

    I like @ Winters comment "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes".

    You and your gang are notorious for being trolls and doing anything for attention.

    You trolled excessively and made this post for attention.

    Now it's time to pipe down and maybe think twice about trolling excessively.

    • Like 2
    • STFU 1
  4. @ Dr.Dream being accused of cheating is WILD. Looks like he simply shot through your orca glass and you got killed. I can tell you from playing with Dream, he is not hacking. 

    Secondly, it's not "glazing". The community likes him. He's been apart of it for years, therefore the people who know him are going to back him.



    • +1 1
  5. Just now, Jelly Donut said:

    In this case then I believe things need to be brought up in meeting. If theres so many grey rules then they need to be cut out. The rules need to be CLEAR to everyone that plays the server If there a civ or cop. Ive seen it im not saying people arent out to get peoples ranks but, we cant be scared either in situations like that. This is also why admins shouldnt be getting in the way of Civ vs Cops. Some civs and cops think they can do as they please when there playing with staff and for the most part they get away with it. So I think that needs to be changed as well! 

    It's not that the rules are grey, it's that some stuff is simply not covered in the handbook. You could say to include those grey areas in the handbook, but the handbook would then be VERY and I need to emphasize VERY VERY long.  

    As for the people going for ranks comment, it's not that people are scared. It's the fact that the people go out of their way to get people removed. 

    I would rather not walk on eggshells while playing a video game.

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  6. 36 minutes ago, Jelly Donut said:

    Im just tired of hearing the same excuse by some higher ups, "Well I dont want to put my rank on it" GUYS AND GALS If you are a CPL + and we are meeting the standard then give the LETHALS! Why are you scared about your rank? The rules are VERY Clear in this instance. I understand people do not want to lose there ranks but, the only time we can have a chance at winning is if we work together and use the tools provided to us

    The reason this is a mindset is there is a group of people who have a mission to see people get removed from APD. It's not worth playing APD for long periods of time when those people are online. While the rules may seem very clear from the outside, APD handbook has a lot of "grey areas" and therefore is up for interpretation on a lot of things. The issue of proportionality is always going to be debated. There is always going to be people who JUST think proportionality is APD numbers vs civ numbers, which is not the way it needs to be looked at as there is other factors to be considered.

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