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Olympus Plus
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Everything posted by Orbit

  1. how can civs plant a fed with 3.5 cops online? @ Milo

    1. monster


      Better question is, why is there 3.5 cops on after civs have already started bolt cutting?

    2. Orbit


      dev override type shit.

    3. Milo


      The Grinch Smiling GIF by The Good Films
      All jokes aside idk anything about that I haven't done a fed in weeks 😄

  2. @ No Name you have a FAC ban from scroll wheeling as your forums header, simmer down spicy boy
  3. i am the retard on these streets who staples papers, cleans ghost hawks, and cleans floors. i am hatchbacks little bitch. feel free to come to the enterprises offices.
  4. Orbit

    WTB G hawk

    you are lost in the sauce, youll also lose it in 5 minutes!
  5. 6 days a week, back & shoulders, chest, bi's & tris, legs, rest, repeat. Im gene blessed and have strong legs and with the amount of cardio outside of the gym no need for me to train intensely, again all up to style. I currently take ZMA (zinc magnesium aspartate), Kre-Alkalyn Powder (More Pure Creatine), and B12 Supplements. All natural here, Currently 150 Pounds at 9% body fat bulking.
  6. can someone please fix the search button on apd?! 😔

  7. you all not only have more time on you're hands then a first amendment auditor thinking that you fighting old oly rules will make the world a better place, but on top youre all fuming racist! cute!
  8. Happy birthday @ Fraali  thank for keeping the cheaters in the closet!

  9. i got the original one, atleast one was put into the server
  10. ill need youre dick.. i meant dough in my deposit box
  11. would've given up two hawks and 20 mil just for monster to own it! well you saved me the trouble.
  12. dont lie then, its just sad.
  13. wheres the money? wheres the vic? https://gyazo.com/8d65f66ecc6acf33841c21703b5190b0 makes sense, nice 100 mil!
  14.  bring back uncapped bettings @ Ryan @ Mako @ Fraali

  15. https://gyazo.com/8dbbf3c0de9f0d687fe31ad74b45ec88
  16. Been here since the start? No cock sucking youre all just fans because you all suck donkey balls at the game.
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