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Lethals Loaded

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Everything posted by Lethals Loaded

  1. done more gg
  2. Paid the 2nd ticket? Hell na, pardon dat ass. Two different tickets man
  3. It's because yanno... it's a dev build... where people test shiz and they come out in next patch...
  4. I'm sure if you opt into beta you need to play on 1.50 RC servers.
  5. I got out of a ticket by giving cop weed. Best roleplay experience I ever had
  6. Happy birthday if you ever read this ya fucka

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      I sent in a ticket on someone and it did not get dealt with as excepted, for me it was blant RDM of someone in restrains but they were not banned - it happened twice and both times same person replied to the ticket. That person, who I will name X, did not get banned but I did not say that 'X is inside Pinks pocket' - she just did not see it as RDM.

      MC get banned, MC gets people banned - sadly how server works.

    3. Dejay


      They are in our pockets, they just don't know it yet ;) 

    4. dannyfrog87


      hahaha in the admins pockets oh christ. couldnt be any more far from the truth being in any of their pockets but if mcgraw thinks so well good for him lol ....

  7. I like the edited third person view. It prevents people from third personing as much as it limits you, so sometimes you have to peak to see!
  8. People complain as X gets banned. People complain as X don't get banned. People complain as X gets a warning. Decide fml

    1. DeathDingo


      People need to put their big boy pants on and just smile and have fun!! Enjoy the game :)

  9. Someone here needs to learn how getting "sooooooooo pissed off" looks like. Let me tell ya, a dislike ain't me being pissed off.
  10. MC is known to always control server 2. It is considered the "home" server where all properties purchased. But like Tai said, we're on both servers making peoples life hell
  11. #HyperionForChief

    1. babooshka


      i thought this was a cool post so i will give it an updoot

    2. Corporal Moob
    3. Grandma Gary
    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Please.... make sure you announce yourselves when VIGI'in. 5 SECONDS FLATS. If not I'll get my GO PRO!. 'WINK WINK.

  12. Why do we wait forever for new content? BI's Dev's are playing hearthstone... http://i.gyazo.com/5b9dd78b414443970ad1d04994383843.png

  13. After playing with windows 10 I had noticed it's shite. Beautiful designs but there and then I get a lag spike. Researched online and found I'm not the only one.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Ah.  I'll just wait on it then.  I could not handle 20 FPS drops unless it is justifiable.  

    3. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      I can't get mine to work, my friends have...

    4. QKSILVR73


      Bohemia said to hold off on win10 until at least 1.5 


  14. Gathering from their post it does not take benefits of Direct X 12 "In addition, our research of DirectX 12 is still underway for a future update."
  15. I'm assuming Bohemia meant processing FPS. I once tried Win 10 preview and Arma and thought I'm going to endup killing myself. Processing was delayed and FPS was better instead. In addition, they test this shiz on a lot of hardwares in multiple scenarios hence I'm sticking to their statement.
  16. First of all, I'd like to apologise for terrible spelling - typing on a phone. Windows 10 is coming out tomorrow or later on for everyone: as most of us have already registered for it and can't wait for its release I'd suggest not updating yet if you wish to play Arma. Bohemia in their latest sitrep adressed Windows 10's builds that have been released creating issues with FPS or rendering issues have came across and do not suggest to upgrade until Arma is on update 1.50 at the least. I'd link you to the article but read it on PC but am on phone now, just go on their website. Personally I'll hold off updating so I don't play on potato frames until they optimise everything. PS: Been getting shite frames? Apparently it's hotfixed.
  17. I have not once lost my zipties and needed a medic hostage. I then role play a character which does not believe in taking someone hostage by taking away their ability to move. I do not like zipties therefore if they do not go where I want them to I will shoot their feet and make them dance to my song. Per rules about 80% of the medics so far broke that rule, should of not got into my heli which offers free candy. I won't go up to a medic and just say "Hands up or die" and ziptie him then bring him to the person needing medic (UNLESS their body is about to be synced into the ground.) I'll avoid zipties till the medic's roleplay is too shite to comply. Or sometimes I shoot them and comp the guy that deaded. In addition - was there really a need to "blow off your steam" here? Dude, just play some other game. If you do not role play just stick to the handbook then this is not the server for you. This is a roleplay server where it is near enough needed to go into every situation as Medic/Cop without an excuse to roleplay. As Civ you can get away as it is less role playing needing role hence it is not whitelisted. I'm 99% sure that you can get removed from both, APD & Medic, if you do not role play. Not too sure though.
  18. Jorbis 2 young 4 mod. But anyways... #FreeAres
  19. I beg you Danny, capital letters. This is a pain to read... But I agree with you, APD gets texts every 5 seconds on a full server and only 1 out of the 50 of those are useful.
  20. Node has been made on forums for this purpose. Why not utilise something made?
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