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Lethals Loaded

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Everything posted by Lethals Loaded

  1. We are already waiting for enough stuff to be added, no need to add more.
  2. Sounds like I'm getting scammed. Hell ye.
  3. Whoever deleted Strafe's post: I've just spent good bit of my break writing up a roast including statistics that I researched on my phone that was going to crush the kid. Honestly, hope you get RDM'ed in Kavala.

    1. TheSkyStarKnight


      What roast for what post? B)

  4. I mean I could overrule him.. but I'm missing the tags and power to do so. Hes got the big boy pants on. :3
  5. Let me redirect your call to the correct department there, sir. Your desired department is @Fat Clemenza's one.
  6. We don't have to let everyone into our force, if it's APD or RNR we get a choice of who we want to be in the faction. With the amount of applicants we could actually cherry pick the best ones, instead we give everyone a fair chance to join and prove themselves. Though, if you got a negative past to your name then there is no reason you should be allowed to join the faction. Yeye, it's just a game and you want to have fun, so do others, but us picking the bad out allows better fun for others in sacrifice of yours. Don't do dumb shit and you won't find anything restricted for you.
  7. I wish we still had a thumbs down button.
  8. Nobody on the APD faction wants to play as all it takes is for the criminal to take a turn into the forest and he's gone. Nobody wants i play as a civ as they don't want to learn a new map, also when you go to process and 12 monkeys jump out at you as forst is too dense. Also some peoples friends don't have the DLC meaning they won't play, in addition to their FPS being crap. A lot of people like myself don't want to repurchase all the vehicles for both factions therefore they avoid playing Tanoa.
  9. Are Apex vehicle skins fixed for the APD where wrong texture file was being loaded rendering them invisible?
  10. Do you have the game installed on an SSD?
  11. I stole this off another forum, and this is in no way advertising/promoting this website. I put in some of my usernames etc. and found that my information was leaked on few old passwords. Interesting what you can find though - I had to go ahead and change all my passwords to something unique once again just for that extra security measure. Here's the website link, in order to view your password you need to subscribe but without subscribing it'll show you when your password was leaked and from where. https://www.leakedsource.com/
  12. #1 to break NLR
  13. c465e16a9b3863d89ccef6d662d40a1e.gif

    1. BananaHammock


      STRIDER WARS: Medic BananaHammock vs Lt. Lethals Loaded(Andrew)

    2. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      I won every other time. =]

    3. Fedot


      VS FEDOT kappa

  14. One does not delete a forum account.
  15. It only overwrites your MBR, also unless you installed an infected Classic Shell or Audacity you're fine. Both downloads are fixed now anyway and infected files are forgotten.
  16. When you just can't risk your identity being stolen.
  17. #GoldWatchesForSrAPD @Muthinator

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded


    3. Fedot


      By earned you mean joined MC :Kappa:

      (This is a Joke)

    4. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      I admit to nothing :4head:

  18. Com is drunk streaming, kek https://www.twitch.tv/comordonn

    1. Matt Black

      Matt Black


    2. Dustin87



  19. Why are you as good at the game as you were back as a Deputy?
  20. So I got super tilted therefore I decided to spend money. Great choice.



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DoctorK


      Pizza is always a great choice

    3. DeNiaL


      half and half looks good af

    4. JoeL


      41 minutes ago, Truth said:

      half and half looks good af

      I bet you would enjoy it. 

  21. Amount people tank really upsets me.

  22. Calm down there kill-switching Hades.
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