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Everything posted by Element_

  1. You get on once a month and all I see you do is complain. I even won a fed today wow almost like people do them!!!!!!!! Omg I can't RDM people on Oly? Bad server!!!!!!!!!
  2. He can't put his hands up without getting out of his car?
  3. New vigi vehicle!!!!

  4. 0610739cafb7ab17e210783898225d46.png

    1. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      @ Rexo that johnny goose guy is after you

  5. congrats @ ladymedusa now you can take "Yurrrrr done!" to a whole other level

    1. ladymedusa


      HAHAHA, thanks buddy!

  6. Idk man I like all those too and men.
  7. A1F
  8. ArmA_3_Screenshot_2023.09.26_-_20.52.50.29.png?ex=6514d735&is=651385b5&hm=2314fa42b64030ef29af6bd8d19f8ad2f5f463ef5f48d3ba6fe2483e24ccf7f7&

    Moments before warcrimes committed by Aegis APD, which included @ monster gunning down a man driving his boat peacefully, killing a man after a cop epis him, to which cop did it is unkown. Congrats on SGT!!!!! 

    1. monster



      it had to be done.

  9. Corp above my exquisite well thought out cop RP name would be nice. @ Mister gavin cant drive, cant fly, cant frit drop and now he cant fucking read.
  10. @ GST  when you send him house pc evidence

    1. Space Ranger

      Space Ranger

      brb need to change my pants...

  11. https://gyazo.com/3ccbec639fa38294721c51778185bc3d


    If POs can set up and run checkpoints then why don't we have road kits?

    This was extremely fun to do, had a lot of new players coming through not being anti social monkeys.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Elements


      change your fucking name

    3. Element_


      @ Elements be surprised how many times people think im you when my ign is Element 

    4. Elements


      im passing the torch my young padawan❤️

  12. No screenshot needed

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Clashingtin


      my only question is why u got night vision on in the day time

    3. Element_


      @ Clash that part of the map is annoying to fight when its barely light out, helps me see ADOA bushwookies at shine pro also

    4. sandman
  13. Speaking of bans, report finally went through on someone blantanly RVDing our gang shed, 30 min later hes unbanned? Now I remember why I barely report anyone, because they never get actually banned, just a time out for 1-2 hours of sitting in TS waiting to appeal the moment they actually do.
  14. 2c0d91c92126943f511351f2c85add60.jpg

    Deputy Duper @ Doke TV rounded up 3 Aegis hooligans and saved himself from getting robbed. 

    1. Knawxxx
    2. Doke


      Reporting for duty!

  15. congrats on LT!!!!!! @ monster

  16. Exercise, whether that be at a home gym or a commercial gym, might be hard for some people on here to even step a foot from their desk without falling and crying for comp. Go learn a martial art, Gracie Jiu-Jitsu is my top recommendation. Nutrition, 99% of "normal" foods bought in America are filled with illness causing shit, source your own meats, eggs, vegetables from local butcher shops/farmers markets that don't douse their shit in herbicides/pesticides/hormones. It will be more expensive, but your body will thank you for not consuming copious amount of red 40 dye every meal. Learn to cook rather than just using a microwave and boiling water for everything. Find a job that you can tolerate until you can do your passion for a living. All I can really harp on, otherwise don't get arrested, if your country/state allows it buy a firearm so you can ifrit rip IRL without AHK and Zcheats to do it for you.
  17. Element_


    o7 Rizzly Bear, my 2nd favorite supervisor is gone now thanks for giving me the shot at para
  18. Tasers killing players Players sent to jail via Combat Log bones will now have their Vigilante arrests wiped Vigilante Bounty Payout Bonus Bonus to bounty payouts of 2%/4%/7.5% (2/3/5) Automatic restrain heal Restraints automatically heal for 10/20/30 HP (1/2/4) Houses no longer display players in proximity to them on spawn selection PP Hard
  19. 8d791fa3d8578199da70f06687ed4d31.jpg

    Another day, another strafe run on the APD

  20. Going through my old clips before I delete shit, found this. @ Mako


  21. I'll see Oppenheimer tonight
    1. -dante-


      I say no more armored waves @ Rexo since it’s too OP. Let's just have a launcher run. Might be more effective anyways. 

    2. Rexo


      APD AA online

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