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Status Updates posted by Trumper

  1. I heard vac = ban



    1. Jonn


      >210 days since last VAC = Ban

  2. sometimes i just feel like a kid in this community, always having to be babysat :(. 

    1. Tman15tmb


      Easily solution. Grow the fuck up haha.

    2. Trumper
    3. Biggs


      @Trumper i feel the same why do people treat me like this :(

  3. is it possible to never see @DANGUSDEAN's posts again? like a setting or something

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Dangus


      Damn, was hoping I.... not even worth... i might as well be restricted... everyone will have blocked me...










    3. Snare


      this had me dead.

  4. Another sAPD steps down? 

    Looks to me like MCPD forced him to step down. Typical. 


    1. Linka
    2. Orgondo


      ohh juicy drama. Who threw in the towel

    3. Trumper
  5. 0ea937d932fb648c56add3a263eeb42c.png @Poseidon can you wipe these two retards money so its off the leader board considering they duped

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Fedot


      I will take car of this in a mInute

    3. Isaac Newton

      Isaac Newton

      11 hours ago, McDili said:

      Fixed ^_^


  6. 9ada092dfe80011f4ea5f61a59dc993e.png

    3 days. Not bad

    1. BlackJack


      Not bad ? Wtf that's amazing dude lol 

    2. Trumper


      I guess you don't understand the phrase...? 

  7. There seems to be an issue with APD skins. In particular the APD Orca on Tanoa. Me and a few others are crashing when they start to spool. Its not just a one time thing either, it seems to be consistent so i am not sure whats happening. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Muthinator


      I dont think a texture can make your game crash.  Might be wrong though.

    3. Trumper


      Textures can make your game crash, it happens on exile all the time. 

      I don't know if its just the Texture on its own thats making my game crash, but there is a consistent crashing when I am around the APD Orca on Tanoa 

    4. Poseidon


      Don't you mean TPD Orca :Kappa:

      I'll be updating the texture to see if it fixes it.

  8. b0de78cb2b3a96d8e443ca85b220f489.png

    why can't bohemia do anything right? 

    (take note of the center of the iron sights.) 

    1. ProfessionalHostage


      all i see is a smiley face

  9. I would prefer if you hide the two statuses posted below me. It depicts a video of someone that is not within this community. Very inappropriate. 

  10. Stupid fucking people lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo "lagswitch" 

    1. bigPat


      You mad bro?!?!?!?! OHHHHH rekt


    2. Linka


      eLevate gets one tapped out of an ifirt and call it a lag switch hello

  11. >fixed one thing

    >broke another

    ayylmao, thanks for fixing the hex bug anyways 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Poseidon


      The not being able to see yourself is only broke on 1 of the servers, not sure which one. The other server will be fixed next restart.

    3. Trumper


      ahh okay, well its server 2 then I guess. thanks for the info

    4. Trumper


      @Poseidon Can confirm, server restart did not fix it.

  12. it takes this long to figure out a hex fix? lol

    1. Show previous comments  30 more
    2. Linka


      I mean it makes the game more fun and enjoyable. I don't find it fun to play a guessing game of who I'm shooting. Sorry you guys feel different, consider fighting a cartel once and a while and see the difference.

    3. BENJI


      @Muthinator "Take the information for what it is and be happy that you can now see progress."



    4. Muthinator


      Avert your eyes to the Trello.

  13. That's two load outs down to the hacker......

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