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Everything posted by Trumper

  1. Its great for camping if you know someone is doing a bank, if you know something is heading that way you can spawn there. I always keep a gear set in there and id say like 2 or 3 times in the last month I have just spawned there while trucks have been pulling up randomly. Its a pretty decent house
  2. Server 1 but ima want more then that
  3. Can watch the crate from the window of the house. Offers
  4. Trumper

    WTB wpts

    You still on or nah?
  5. Trumper

    WTB wpts

    Yo if you're around i'll buy a few hundred
  6. Trumper


    75. Is anyone looking to sell one?
  7. Still selling these?
  8. Trumper


  9. It was certainly a good run with you guys *idk how to edit comments anymore but yea
  10. @Garrett you were supposed to come smoke darts with us on the island, you dirty lying sack of shit
  11. I heard vac = ban



    1. Jonn


      >210 days since last VAC = Ban

  12. ouuu what else
  13. sometimes i just feel like a kid in this community, always having to be babysat :(. 

    1. Tman15tmb


      Easily solution. Grow the fuck up haha.

    2. Trumper
    3. Biggs


      @Trumper i feel the same why do people treat me like this :(

  14. Trumper


    How many people destroy their lives over smoking weed? I can assure you a whole lot less than the amount of people that have either died or ruined their lives due to alcohol.
  15. is it possible to never see @DANGUSDEAN's posts again? like a setting or something

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Dangus


      Damn, was hoping I.... not even worth... i might as well be restricted... everyone will have blocked me...










    3. Snare


      this had me dead.

  16. you're a cunt joel
  17. Another sAPD steps down? 

    Looks to me like MCPD forced him to step down. Typical. 


    1. Linka
    2. Orgondo


      ohh juicy drama. Who threw in the towel

    3. Trumper
  18. Its for sure not my computer, I don't have a god tier rig, but I have an upper mid-tier build. I do want to point out tho, you guys can test this yourselves, the Hospitals with less entities (ex: Pyrgos hospital) tend to not only perform better, but also cause less memory leak issues (texture bug) then the ones with lots of entities (The one on the airfield). This may just be personal experience, but I have never gotten a texture bug at Pyrgos hospital, however a noticeable amount of times I have gone to the hospital at the airfield, I have texture bugged. Slightly Off topic but @Muthinator, when you create things for a community (Payed or not) you need to be prepared to listen to what they say. Whether you agree with what they are saying or not is irrelevant. When you put your work out there you need to be able to take the criticism that comes with it. I do agree that some people go over the top and bitch. However every complaint is not bitching and whining about what you're doing. It seems like every time someone critiques anything you do it comes to a "Take it or leave" kind of attitude. You're designing this stuff for the community, not yourself. I want to add, I think we all appreciate what you do immensely, but it comes back to the attitude that leaves everyone a little sour.
  19. The texture bug would not happen as often do the fact that there is not so much to render. Yes, the texture bug happens outside of hospitals, we are aware of this. However, there is clearly a problem that when I get into the vicinity of a hospital my game Texture bugs. Again, I am not saying its just the hospitals causing this bug. However, there has to be something to do with the amount of entities that render in when you go near them. It is simply a fact that whenever you get within a certain radius of them, your game happens to texture bug. Not always, but a noticeable amount of time.
  20. I know the "Texture bug" is an Arma wide problem. However, it seems to happen much more often when rendering the textures of the hospital in. I currently don't have a video of it, but I know people can agree that the hospital does seem to have some sort of problem texture bugging people.
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