You know, I don't normally get involved too much with this kind of stuff, especially with someone like you teddy. Since day 1 we have done our absolute best as some of the leaders of this community to make it a friendly place for you. People would goad you into a raging fit over the slightest thing, and we would yell at them. We enforced rules and banned people for harassment towards you. Just two months ago you raged into a fit about the way some APD members were talking about you, and I pulled you into a channel with the former chief of police, the head of R and R, and a fellow sAPD member. When trying to get to the bottom of the situation, you flipped out on us, even after we bent over backwards to make this community somewhere where you would feel welcome. All of that time and effort literally wasted on someone who is literally the most ignorant person I have ever met.
So I'm done ted. Every time you come to me about someone trolling you, or about someone breaking rules, or anything at all, I will not listen. Ill pass it off to the next person. If you want to sit here and defend a disgusting little piece of shit like Adaptation you can go sit in a hole with him. How would you feel if someone made fun of your son? You call yourself a level headed individual, but I think you are full of shit.
- Rant over.