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Peter Long

Peter Long
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Everything posted by Peter Long

  1. I don't think that what we are looking for is fast easy money, but to make it easier to have fun. In no way should we go back to pre wipe, that was too easy, bit I think that some major changes need to be made. I know everybody talks about the server pop changes and looking at the evidence, I think that some changes need to happen soon. I don't want the servers to die, and it looks like its trending in that direction. I know the big gangs have been slowing down on the robbing of newbies, and I have seen the APD be more likely to pardon or reduce tickets, but a economic change is needed. If I crash my Huron, or my tempest blows up on a green bush, my whole week is ruined.
  2. Still want my donut.
  3. Lol. You should have gotten the pic of me as deputy Lt dispatch air responder. Devil likes to troll.
  4. I've noticed lately that there have been a great amount of posts regarding how bad Olympus is, how gangs are ruining the server, how there aren't enough features/staff, ect. How about we take a break from all the flaming and complaining and actually say thanks to the staff for creating the server and for giving us the chance to play with a community of people who like to have fun? Stop bitching for one freaking day and just appreciate the server we have! I have met some extraordinary people in my time here on Olympus, and am looking forward to many more. To those of you who care and have fun on Olympus, this post is meant for you. Thanks for making Olympus my favorite gaming community.
  5. First thing Gary said when talking to my wife, "Hello lady with no standards." What did I expect?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tman15tmb


      Mistake number 1. Shouldn't have let Garry talk to your wife lol.

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Why not? I think we really hit it off!

    4. Peter Long

      Peter Long

      Lol. My wife thinks Gary sounds like a man with Alzhiemers. She like him because she thinks he is just gonna forget everything.

  6. Thinking about making a change.

    1. Dustin87


      Yeah i need to change my underwear too.

    2. Thomas


      Damn it dustin you stole my shit

    3. iPopsicle


      You are a beautiful woman! You should stay that way.

  7. Shut up bubbaloo.
  8. Shut up Brennan.
  9. This thread has gone on long enough. I think the major points are that if you feel harrassed, submit it and the player will be punished. Other than that, take some advice from a good friend of mine, Mr. Fat Clemenza, "When the game is stressing you out, shut it off, read a book, or take a walk. Remember that this is a videogame and not real life." Is harassment ok? No. Can you do something about it? Yes. Submit a ticket. Please lock this thread.
  10. This is an adult videogame, with adult themes. If you feel like you are being harassed, record and submit. Then do what I do, close Arma, and take a walk. You gotta remember that it is a videogame and not worth your happiness. Next time this happens send a emergency text to the admins so they can watch. They are on more than you know.
  11. The day of the wipe was my best/worst experience with Gary. I had 14 people restrained in kavala HQ (no I'm not exaggerating) and Gary kept attempting to lockpick them and escort them out of HQ. So after warning and ticketing him, I sent him to jail. Somehow, less than 30 seconds later, he was back! Then an admin who will remain nameless restrained me. Gary grabbed me, took me to the roof of HQ, then said in his creepy voice, "bye bye Mr. Long" and threw me off the roof to my death. By the time I respawned, all of my criminals were gone and Gary was hovering over me with a taru bench. 11/10 best day of my life on Olympus.
  12. A little more variety would be kinda cool. It might take more work than we realize though, and we need to be patient.
  13. Unless you are apart of the situation, you cannot make a claim of a crooked cop. I personally will vouch for cloak and devil, as both are great cops who do the right thing in each situation. If the individuals that they are dealing with get pardoned, than you can put your bottom dollar on the fact that they had a good reason. Don't speculate unless you have the facts.
  14. Guys im only 45 bucks off my next tier donator. Who wants to donate to the PeterIsPoor foundation?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ToeKnee


      feel free to donate so i can get gun dlc

    3. Pringle Mccringleberry

      Pringle Mccringleberry

      feel free to donate to the Potato foundation so we can continue to give potatoes to the people of Altis

    4. Brennan


      Potato foundation!? Where should I send the money?

  15. So as the server knows, I play this game on a potato plugged into the anus of a running gerbil. I'm getting a new processor, motherboard, more ram, and a new power supply today. It made me curious as to what some of you have in your rigs. DISCLAIMER: Now that I'm going to get more than 15 frames I can teach Ares how to drive. This is a good thing for the server people.
  16. Only 4 more hours till i get that new processor in boys. Prepare your butts, ill be coming for ya. (Pun intended)

  17. Getting a new processor. Y'all better get ready. Mr. Long is gonna have more than 15 fps and you gonna get boned.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. orcpoc


      sounds about what im doing, and I believe we discussed this game the other morning :-)

    3. Aress


      woot get rid of that Pentium

    4. Peter Long

      Peter Long

      I'm gonna burn it. The server better be ready, my shot is gonna get a whole lot better. I can shoot at where people are, not where I think they will lag to.

  18. Hey all! I know this is a few months late, but I'll do it anyway. I am a Corp in the APD currently, and love being one. My role play is on point, and I love to chit chat. I run with my boys in MC, and love a good fight. If you ever need anything, send me a message in game or here on the forums. I'll play with anyone, just make sure you keep those comms clear! In real life, I am a Surgical Nurse who works closely with Surgeons on a daily basis. I am happily married with a baby on the way ?. Unfortunately my love of videogames is not shared with my wife, but I hope to change that one day. I play other games as well like LoL and Dying light, and am a beast at BF4. Don't be a stranger, come say hi!
  19. Congrats on the name change Frank. I mean Steve. Loki? Ahhhhh whateva!
  20. I want to be this guy.
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