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Peter Long

Peter Long
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Everything posted by Peter Long

  1. Vote for which Staff Member to KOS for the month! *Disclaimer: this is assuming we meet donation goal. The Staff member you vote for will have a RED name, you will always be engaged with them
  2. Donation Goal Updated #voteforoutcast

    1. Chaos


      But I could kill Fushigi every day ....

    2. DeadPool
  3. o7 khan squad < long squad
  4. Ask your sister before you @ me.
  5. No. No, and Fuck No. Expensive, and hopefully!
  6. To keep Olympus going in the direction it has been for 4 years. Keep putting out good updates and maintaining the community.
  7. 1. Yes. 2. No. 3. I want to get the next update out (its sick) and then we can plan from there. Right now its going to be a longer transition, as there is a ton of new things to learn/handle as the owner.
  8. Donations are going to remain the same.
  9. I am sure you all have a million questions. Post em below and I'll answer what I can!
  10. That was my reaction this morning.
  11. o7
  12. For those about to die, we salute you. o7 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Vcx


      47 minutes ago, communistjosh said:

      I dont fear death


    3. Panda :)

      Panda :)

      When I want to see another banathon against retards.

  13. Well i just found out how you got these. You have about 10 minutes to come into teamspeak and explain yourself otherwise you are going to be taking a dirt nap.
  14. Im down.
  15. That is too bad. Pussy.
  16. CmonBruh At least @ the staff involved. Pussy.
  17. Drama podcast/chilling tonight @830 twitch.tv/sirpeterlong 

    1. LiL J

      LiL J

      why my comment get removed :FeelsBad:

  18. Birthday Stream Time POG


  19. Just a 0 drama chill day
  20. Hot Horny Single Women - 

    Also Peter


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