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Everything posted by Kodakk

  1. Congrats @ Morga you still suck tho

  2. Happy Birthday @ Sevro  best medic main about!

  3. Such a pleasant experience fighting Aegis as always


  4. Ill go to his house and shave it my self since hes 30 mins down the road ill see you tonight @ Sir Mitch The Third
  5. YOOOOO @ Millennium  always knew you liked some weird shit


    1. Masonn
    2. Zeuse


      I'm sure he's got plenty spare in his house @ Masonn 😉

    3. buckie


      @ Masonn  he’s left to Mecca with the rest of the herd. 

  6. Johhny lost his rights to play the server
  7. Note to self:

    Never heal with Smitherz next to you he will get angry.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. maxg


      this guy pieced us up no kizzy kap

    3. xsmitherz


      That was funny as fuck 🤣

    4. BombsInTheChurch


      LMAO im so happy to see the other side of this

  8. From a make a wish FTO to a LT congrats @ Kaotic

  9. but to answer your question no if you wave into a redzone and die you do not need to go back just make sure you mark the zone and wait 15 mins before you go back
  10. i believe he is wondering if he has to return while the 5 mins of engagement are going on
  11. NO DELETE THAT, still cant believe I died to that.......
  12. Thanks for giving me my pookie @ JoeL


  13. odds on me ending @ Kaotic  while he sleeps


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Treebeard


      @ Kodakk  negative on feds and rust smh my head

    3. Clashingtin


      its ok kaotic is the base bitch  💀

    4. billdroid


      Average Rusty hotdog 15x enjoyers

  14. 1 step closer for you to be worth something to me @ HyperGoat

  15. Happy birthday to the worst zombies player I know @ Rexo

  16. @ xsmitherz  did not like @ C H I E F  talking about adding taxes to Oly

    1. Millennium


      Little does he realize there already are taxes on all gambling.

      casino, coinflip, lottery, and powerball

  17. congrats @ Karma  knew you couldnt do it

  18. Woooooo @ Milo  so proud of you

  19. good stuff @ Kaotic  and @ Wong


    @ Brandyn  can I get unblacklisted now pls 

  20. kind of disgusting stuff from @ stayclaxxy  always told me he hated the APD now he's one of them, honestly cant trust anyone these days 😞

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kodakk


      also @ Rexo please unblacklist me so i can be with my good friend claxxy

    3. Millennium


      @ stayclaxxy  is only there to destroy the APD from the inside… and to raid people’s houses.

    4. -dante-


      He's only raiding houses for gambling funds tbh

  21. I may be blacklisted from APD but still doing a better job at defusing feds.

    unblacklist me please


    1. hawkg


      typical aegis rat behavior 

    2. nman


      ty for ur service

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